Sunday, April 20, 2008


ytd went to iikea wiif Xingan, Aiai && Airen , Luffs pls !
Meet Aiai & my hse andd was stoniing till 1 plus -.-
then meet Xingan andd busedd to Tampiines iinter ~
Was wiindow shoppiing , luffs ! meet char andd took th hotpants -.-
then went to try, niiceniice ! Bus-edd to pasiir riis then ~
Bought Aiai's stuffs andd MRT-edd abck to Tampiines -.-
Meet Airen andd went to Ikea ! Luffs* was damn crazy :x
Keep on luffiing lik mad cans !? lols ~ siiaoocharrbo :x
Ate salmon , duper niice ndd duper full :x Lufffs pls !
then went shoppiing iin Ikea :x Damn funny lahhs !
Playiing wiith those thiings andd messiing everythiing ard ~
then went to Giiant andd behaviing lik AUNTIES :x
Ohhmyys , except mii :x hohohohos ! Bag ard their hands ~
Luffs pls ! then bus-ed back to Tampiines iinter, tiiredd*
played whole day liiaoos :x then went home for diinneeer ~
then went to Aiai house help her do art -.- Damn siiann :x
home aroundd 12am, tiiredd ! straiight away, niights (:
today meet Aiai andd went to aiirport T3 strolling ard :x
damn biig andd diizzy :x cos of th liights andd marble floor !
Ohhmyys ~ JFYF came andd startedd studyiing, jiieeet ~~
then Airen came too (: studiied till 5 plus andd then.......
cam-whoriing ! luffs* till 6 plus, homesweethome ;DD
went to Aiai house for dinneer andd then went off at 9pm.
meet Boy at mac with Guanleong (: Chit-chat sessiion !
Gossippiing abt ppl :x Luffs* home aroundd 10pm ~~
andd tmrr schhliing , Jieeeeetttt ! Luffs* Niights (:

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