Sunday, February 17, 2008


back back back ! totally moodless uu noe ~ haiis .
morniinq woke up aroundd 10 plus , still tiiredd :x
but dont noe whyy , ndd ii dream of hiim , lols ~~
wat he will to say iif ii tell hiim :: huh ? agaiins ? lols .
iis lik , "uu dream of mii for wat ?" haiis ~ watever !
then Juan && biina came my hse , enjoy lahhhhhssss ~
siinq sonq lahhrs , watchh show , ndd watchh concert ~~
was luffiinq liik hell && madd lahhrs ! haaaas ~ then ardd 3 plus ..
biina went home ! then mii ndd juan contiinue siinqsiinq :x
then awhiile jiiu go her hse liiaoos ~ nobody yets !
iim th 1st :x watever ! watchiinq concert agaiins ~~
then waiitedd for th rest to come , ardd 7 plus then all reachhedd .
some were playiinq mahjonq ndd cards , ndd iim stoniinq !
damn tiiredd ndd moodless , haiis ~ soso siiiannnnnss !
aniiwae , ate smth ndd iim home now . lols !
nth muchh to post , cos nth muchh happen :x
btw , when iim hm , nobody iis @ home , haaaaaas ~
mamii iin kiinda drunk now , haiis . ndd she`s liik funny :x
keep sayiinq : iim ok lahhs ! ii nth wat ~ iim ok mahhs !
watever ! tmr iim gonna stay at home ndd do hmwk :x

ii diidnt noe ii would affect ur mood ,
iif ii`ve made uu upset , sorry then !

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