Friday, February 29, 2008


nthh muchh to post ! iim at hm now ~
lols ! today lessoon , boriinqq ~~~~~
doiinq boriinq thiinqs ndd says rubbiish :x
duriinq assembly lesson was liik , ohhmyys !
hiidiinq iin class , closiinq up ALL wiindows & doors .
liiqhts ndd fans are suppose to be swiitchh off !
so , iif EVS hadd poiison gas , our class will diie -.-
cos th fan && liiqhts are on lik nobody business ~
when everythiinq endedd , everyone rushh out th class !
ohhmyys ~ th coriidor are jus lik aiir-condiitionedd -.-
iits abiit dumb , but iits true alriite ! haaas ~ MT = boriinq !
then back to class , iit seems lik 501 hadd earthquake :x
th class iis iin a biiqbiiq mess uu noe !? ohhmyys ~~
poor girls hadd to clean up th mess ndd diirty rubbiish !
after schh hadd lunchh ndd slackk aroundd ~~ lols !
charmaiine`s dad fetchh mii ndd mad to JC bus-stop ;D
she wantedd to buy rubiic cube -.- iit`s a waste of tiime !
lols ~ aniiwae , she diid buy ndd went home liiaoos !
tmrr iis friiday ! iim loviinq iit ;D Friday iis Restday ~
but still , schhliinq ends 1st ! haaaas ~ iim soso hyper ;D
except for smth dat happen after schh , haiis ~~

iim so sorry gal , ii tot telliinq uu th truth would be better .
ii diidnt expect dat uu would be anqry , iim really sorry .
but ii really hope uu would understand ndd trust mii ~

am ii too soft-heartedd ? or blur -.- *Lauqhs !

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Everythiinq iis fiine ;D

3 days to sherrii & leyiin bdae ! [1march]
6 days to weiiwenn & keviin bdae ! [4march]
8 days to qamarul bdae ! [6march]
9 days to wanqiin bdae ! [7march]
12 days to enqliish oral ! [10march]
13 days to my bdae ! && MT oral -.- 1pm to 3pm ! [11march]
JIETTT ~~~~ hors charmaiine ? haaaas ;D

tiime iis 3.33pm -.-

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


hadd PE lessoon , was practisiinq for th test . lols !
aniiwae , ii had 3 iincliined pull-up , 32 siit up ~~
stanqiinq broadd jump was bad -.- nt even my heiiqht !
mathhs lesson , viinay diidnt come ! wooohooos ~
3periiod , do nth ! haaaaaas ~ enjoy lahhs , lols !
ss ndd geo was bad enuff ! diidnt understand anythiinq ~
MT was okok , last miin test agaiins ! wtf -.-
th other class noe , but nt th band3 ! biias :x
today iis MT teacher b`dae , shenqriikuiile ohhs ;D
sanq bdae sonq for her , but test stiill niid do -.-
watchhedd "L chanqe th world" today , agaiins ;D
suppose to be manyy ppl , iin th end left 2 person -.-
pathetiic enuff ? iit`s really pathetiic , hack iit !
reachh home ndd usedd computer , boriinq enuff !
lastly , tmrr art && iim nt done yets ! euqene , JIAYOU too ;D

ii love TANHUIYU ! ;D

let mii tiink of a best solutiion ..
sorry , ii really dont get iit .

Monday, February 25, 2008


back postiinq ! haaas ~ ytd diidnt get to post !
cos korkor fren usiinq , tmd :x lols ~~
aniiwae , ytdd meet charr aroundd 2 plus at iinter .
bouqht madmad`s bdae cardd ndd meet lonqlonq they all .
walk to madmad hse , ndd went up her hse .
lols ! they help mii make up -.- damn weiird lahhs :x
but okok lahhs , then took bus34 to punqqol iinter ~
waiitedd for th shuttle bus , but ardd 6.30 then reachh -.-
so 12 of us cabb thr , lols ! th taxii driiver kiinda bliind ?
haaaas ~ th roadd siiqn iis soso biiq ndd he diidnt see ~
then we haf to pay extra $1 -.- madmad pay ;D
haaaaaas ~ reachh thr andd was playiinq th swiinq !
soso fun , they all get giiddy after awhiile , but nt mii ;D
dont noe ehhs , iim nt giiddy at all ! haaas ~ then eat buffet .
lols ! after awhiile , everyone iis gone ~~ left mii on th swiinq !
hurhur , ardd 8 plus took th shuttle bus back to punqqol iinter .
ndd took bus34 back to tampiines ~ lols ! went to yujun hse .
cos he wantedd to take smth , haaas ! hiis hse , scarry siiohs ~~
got DOG -.- haaaas . mii ndd charr was soso scare siiahhs .
but no choiiice , we wantedd to use th toiilet urqently ~~ haaas!
then walk to safra ndd meet th rest ;D damn biiq qroup de us !
meet auqqy , heiiheii , duck && friiendss ~ too many ppl liiaoos .
saw ciindy mamii ! haaaas ~ miiss her damn lots ;D lols !
then was cam-whoriinq wiif manii ppl ;D ~ haaaaaas ..
usedd yuekaii`s phone , was damndamn clear lahhs ! Lols ~
5meqapiixels leiis ! haaaaas . ndd was crappyy ardd !
helpiinq other to create another name , lols ! damn funny lahhs ~
heiiheii`s iis peterson ! ndd lonqlonq`s miike -.- haaaaaaas !
lastly , yujun`s name iis nt peanut liiaos , iis BONNY ! haas ~
yuekaii ndd weiiconq lahhs , they are becomiinq worst ~~
ardd 12 plus , sanq bdae sonq to madmad && bash her :X
haaaas ! ciindy help mii , thks lahhs ~ tiink she`s iin paiin .
was watchiinq them play ndd chiit-chat ! lols ~~ thks lahhs .
ii feel muchh better ;D aniiwae , 12 plus bus-edd home wiif weiiconq ~
ndd th rest cab home ! hurhur ~ ytd niite was waitiinq for my turn .
to use computer , but kor friiendd keep contiinue hiis DOTA !
ohhmyys , DOTA seriiously sucks ! waiitedd for 30miin then ii get to use .
hurhur ! use dao 2am plus ndd ii went to slp ;D damn tiiredd lahhs !
today wake up ardd 12 plus , haaaaas ! mamii was goiinq out alrdy ~
hurhur ! ate ham && eqqs she preparedd , niice niice ;D haaaas ~
later gonna do art , ndd hmwk ;D maybe shunbiian piiano !
haaaaas ~ ytdd 5th aunt came ndd she`s iinterestedd iin my piiano -.-
cos ii pocket mahhs ! can briinq ardd dehhs , lols ~ so , yahhs .
she gave mii anqbao now -.- haaaaas ! new year over liiao leiis ;D
but she dont miind ;D haaaaas ~ ok lahhs , photos tiime now !

Saturday, February 23, 2008


wooohooooos ! iim back from my friiday ;D
friiday iis for mii to ENJOY ! haaaaaaas ~
enjoy alot lahhs ! morniinq went to x-crty ~
was duper fun ;D haf fun cheeriinq ndd playiinq !
cam-whoriinq was done too ;D ndd walk ardd bedok ~
then after dat , went to TM wiif madmad && anqela .
lols ! bouqht th piiano ;D iim soso addiicts mans !
haaaaas ~ went to YAMAHA ndd look aroundd !
iintendedd to buy books for piiano , but ii still begiinner :x
then jiiu went home chanqe , then meet madmad agaiins !
went moviie wiif yanq , leonard they all ~~ lols !
was super niice lahhs th show ~ haaas ! ii was so nosiiy :x
yanq siit besiide mii , sayiinq iim noiisy ! haaas ~
cos verii paiin mahhs ! th show keep show diigustiinq scene .
then uu bujiiu "ouchh ! so paiin siiahh ~" haaaas ! -.-
after dat went to meet sylviia , XL && huiihuii for prata :x
niiceniice , was bloatedd too ! ohhmyys ~ haaaaas ~~
MRT-edd to pasiir riis ndd meet charmaiine . lols !
diid wat we suppose to do ndd she went home -.-
walk to downtown ndd went to qizhii chalet , boriinq !
alot ppl ii dont noe de siiahh . lols ! ii only noe some ~~
diion , zhonqchou , jonathan , lionel , CK , hubert , weiwen .
aiyahhs , th rest iis evss derhhs ~ haaas ! was stoniiinq ~~
till 11 plus , bus-edd home wiif weiiwen , qizhi , shilin && junyu ..
ndd of cos hubert ! haaaas ~ lols . reachh home onliine awhiile .
then jiiu went to bed liiaoos ;D ! haaaas ~ super tiiredd lahhs !
ndd iim focus-iinq on my "piiano" lessoon onliine :x
learniinq step by step ~ ii only noe how to play LXY -.-
was super lonq de sonq liiaoos ~~ but also nvm ;D
slowly mahhs ! haaas ~ ok lahhs , off to learn !
later goiinq meet charmaiine 1st then to madmad hse !
photos will be posted alriites ;D ! byyyeesss ~~

Friday, February 22, 2008


back postiinq ! hmmms ~ soso boriinq today !
went to schh ndd hadd enqliishh test , diie ~~
actually okok lahhs , but maybe wont pass :x
assembly hadd th EV idol -.- sec5 cnt participate !
hurhur ~ nt faiir :x but nvm lahhs ~ we watchh !
haaaaaaaas ~ was okok lahhs , but ii diidnt vote xD ~
cos ii throw away th paper , waste tiime lahhhs ~
aniiwae , after schh suppose to go out wiif char ~~
but both were "bufanqbiian" . haaas ! tiiredd lahhs ;D
then jiiu went home lohhs ~ home ndd mamii was home !
daddy too ;D then chatchat , driink soup ndd riice ~~
then aroundd 5pm , went to take a nap , damn tiiredd !
wake up aroundd 7pm ndd went to bath , damn siiann ~~
now usiinq computer lohhs ! ndd iim off to watchh tv liiaos ~
tmr tmr , iim soso qiidaii abt tmr alriites ;D enjoy liiaos !

ii seriiously wiishh to buy tiis ;D
maybe tmrr ii jiiu buy ! lovelove ~~

Happy Biirthday ShanqFen.Cousiin ;D
ily lahhhs ! meet up soon ^^

Thursday, February 21, 2008


back from simeii ~ lols ! today tiiedd haiir ...
siiannn , soso messy lahhs ~ ndd not niice :x
chiinese newspaper today , borriiiiiinnnnnqqqqqqqq !
aniiwae , hadd math lesson ndd scii , siianns !
stonedd ndd rot iin class cos ii was nt liisteniinq ~
was soso siick of schhliinq now ! schh sucks sucks ~
even iif iim hiidiinq iin 501 , iit`s also sucks lahhs !
today xiinqanns haf th adamkhoo workshop , day2 !
ndd they came cryiinq , haiiyohhs ! nth de alriites ;D
then hadd MT lesson , ohhmyys ! iis th FIRST tiime siiahhs ~
ii see WHOLE class verii toqether , shoutiinq th ans to th front ..
uu noe why ? b.cos th topiic iis abt th "diirty" photos !
haaaas ! but at least , we diid pay attentiions ;D lols ~~
then mathhs was soso boredd lahhs , cos ii dont understand !
ndd DT iis on th way ~~~~~~ gonna workhard workhard ;D
after schh , made to stay back cos of ytd thiinq ! lols ~
do finishh th hmwk ndd went to simeii wiif madmad ndd charTEE ~
lols ! went to see daddy , ndd awhiile niia jiiu leave lerhhs .
hmmms , ii`ve a feeliinq everyone iis leaviinq mii .. haiis ~
so ppl , go aheadd ndd celebrate alriites ? cos , iim so iiritatiinq yea .
then jus let iit be .. iim tryiinq to catchh th ball , ndd wat uu doiinq ?
uu jus throwiinq th ball away , jus lik dat .. then jus be iit alriites ?
haaaas ~ then friiday gonna enjoy myself ! ii MUST enjoy , ii dont care ~~
haaaas ! goiinq x-country 1st , then moviiiee wiif yanq , then niite chalet !
so , iim gonna be busy playiinq ! no tiime to peii those ppl crapps :x

mii && euqene conver ;D
Zero-onE says:
let me tell eu something
Huiixiin 或许这是最好的结果 says:
Zero-onE says:
i know eu to a certain extent
Zero-onE says:
so i can say that eu lack something called self-esteem
Zero-onE says:
and self-confidence
Huiixiin 或许这是最好的结果 says:
well , maybe ? haas .
Zero-onE says:
try to help urself
Huiixiin 或许这是最好的结果 says:
hw ..
Zero-onE says:
thats a problem fer eu to solve
Zero-onE says:

Huiixiin 或许这是最好的结果 says:
weii , make mii luff lae :x
Zero-onE says:
Zero-onE says:
Zero-onE says:
lemme think
Huiixiin 或许这是最好的结果 says:
tiink tiink tiink ;D
Zero-onE says:
its think no tink
Zero-onE says:
not i mean
Huiixiin 或许这是最好的结果 says:
.. ii lik to say TINK nt THINK :x
Zero-onE says:
Huiixiin 或许这是最好的结果 says:
haaas :D
Zero-onE says:
yay, luff liao
Huiixiin 或许这是最好的结果 says:
haaas , uu ahhhs .

ii wasnt anqry , ii swear ..
but jus abiit diissapoiintment ?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


back back back ~ lols ! tryiinq to cheerr up ;D
ytdd went to augustiine hse ! chatchat , toktok , playplay ~~
ardd 7 plus went to eat diinneer .. then jiiu went home !
lols ~ took piictures ndd iit`s really funny lahhs ! lols .
went to tampiines CC rooftop , was damndamn cooliinq ~
ndd chiit-chat thr , haiis ! ii understandd lerrhhs , my fault .
aniiwae , cabbedd home cos ii quiite late liiaoos ~~
then went home , chat wiif nelsonkor on th phone , haiis .
went to slp ardd 11 plus , damn damn tiiredd lahhs !
today lesson was boriinq , ndd verii verii loner ~~
cos verii siiiann nahhs ! lols ~ suppose to go ss EC dehhs .
diidnt go cos iim boredd ndd siiann lahhs ! so , nvr go ;D
then jiiu went home lohhs , then now iim stoniinq at home ~
tmrr hafiinq normal lesson , as usual ! lols ~~ soso siianns .
how ii wiishh nxxt months iis olvl ! so can faster endd ;D
arbo now study liik hell , then iin th endd all forqet -.-
aniiwae , schh iis lik sucks sucks sucks cans !? haiis ..
ohhs ! today iis SHG 1st month , lols ~ tiink iit`s gonna seperate ..

iim jus gonna hack iit ;D

Monday, February 18, 2008

rottiinq @ home todayy ~~ lols !
jus came back from tmart , siiann ~
ate smthh ndd now iim usiinq com .
daddy`s friiendd iis here , boriiinq !
th "aunties" playiinq mahjonq , oppps :x
ndd th "uncles" are siinq sonq ~ lols .
mamii almost stiike lottery , but diidnt !
tmrr iis monday , bluuuuuuueeeee ~~~
ndd ii haf geo test ! shiitty feeliinq manns ~
cos my notes iis iin schh , ndd best , no txtbk !
iim gonna faill lahhs , or else tmrr try memoriise :x
whiichh iis quiite iimpossiible , lols !
off to stone :x byyyyyyyyeeeeeesssss !

diidnt expect thiinqs would turn out to be liik tiis ..
everythiinq , blame iit on myself . ii deserve iit ?

Sunday, February 17, 2008


back back back ! totally moodless uu noe ~ haiis .
morniinq woke up aroundd 10 plus , still tiiredd :x
but dont noe whyy , ndd ii dream of hiim , lols ~~
wat he will to say iif ii tell hiim :: huh ? agaiins ? lols .
iis lik , "uu dream of mii for wat ?" haiis ~ watever !
then Juan && biina came my hse , enjoy lahhhhhssss ~
siinq sonq lahhrs , watchh show , ndd watchh concert ~~
was luffiinq liik hell && madd lahhrs ! haaaas ~ then ardd 3 plus ..
biina went home ! then mii ndd juan contiinue siinqsiinq :x
then awhiile jiiu go her hse liiaoos ~ nobody yets !
iim th 1st :x watever ! watchiinq concert agaiins ~~
then waiitedd for th rest to come , ardd 7 plus then all reachhedd .
some were playiinq mahjonq ndd cards , ndd iim stoniinq !
damn tiiredd ndd moodless , haiis ~ soso siiiannnnnss !
aniiwae , ate smth ndd iim home now . lols !
nth muchh to post , cos nth muchh happen :x
btw , when iim hm , nobody iis @ home , haaaaaas ~
mamii iin kiinda drunk now , haiis . ndd she`s liik funny :x
keep sayiinq : iim ok lahhs ! ii nth wat ~ iim ok mahhs !
watever ! tmr iim gonna stay at home ndd do hmwk :x

ii diidnt noe ii would affect ur mood ,
iif ii`ve made uu upset , sorry then !

Saturday, February 16, 2008


back postiinq ~ chanqedd my skiins agaiins , lols !
cos iim sosososo boredd cans !? damn boriinq ..
today went to schh as usual , lols ! siiann ~
hadd chemiistry test , okok lahhr , sure faiil :x
aniiwae , hadd phyiics after dat ndd was totally , stress !
cos teach new thiinqs , hard to understandd lahhs .
mathhs also , learniinq new topiic : Locus , lols !
iis abt drawiinq , usiinq "kompass"[ compass ] ! haaaaaaaaas ~
viinay lanquaqe ~ ndd "pansile" [ pencil ] mus be sharp :x
haaaas ! luff liik hell lahhrs , lols ~~ soso funny !
after schh waiitedd for someone , so DAPAI uhs !?
lols ~ she`s jus wastiinq tiime , lols ! waiit dao 1 plus ii tiink ?
she was iin liibrary usiinq FRIENDSTER !? wth lahhrs ~~
so many ppl waitiinq for her ndd she`s enjoyyinq th net ?
aniiwae , hope she hadd her lesson andd learnt smth . lols !
hmmms , back home ndd meet juan . she came to my hse !
lols ~ watchedd th jay de concert , niiceniice ;D
he iis soso cute ndd handsome lahhhs :x haaaaaaas !
ohh , ii suddenly rmb abt mii ndd madmad de conver .
[ on th way goiinq 201 , iin bus ]
meee: ehh mad , uu see dat guy . handsome bo ?
madd: hmms, okk lahhr . but A biijiao shuaii .
meee: no laahhr , B more handsome leiis !
madd: A iis handsome de lohhrs , haaas ~
meee: B iis biijiao cute dehhrs ! lols .

then both of us was lik , aiiyahhrs ! both cute ;D
haaaaas ~ tot she wont post iin her bloq , lols .
but ii jus viiewdd her blog , she diid post !
so ii also wanna post :x btw , juan iis home ~
siiann siiann siiann ! ndd tmr goiinq her hse .
lols ~ howhowhow ! hmwk nt done , haiiis ~~~~
aiiyahhrs , only xiinqanns, madmad & nelson noe :x
haaaaaaas , off to do other thiinqs liiaos ;D


















Friday, February 15, 2008


today iis super duper siiiannnnn uu noe !?
went to schh wiif juan , then meet madmad ~
then meet weiiconq andd giif hiim smth .. lols !
then jiiu go schh , blabla ! lesson was boriinnq ~
maybe cos today no mood bahhr ? lols !
then hadd art , tasneem iis soso funny lahhr ~
seems liik both 501 & 501 art student love to diisturb her :x
haaaas ! lols ~~ then she was pushiinq us for drawiinqs !
everyone was liik , ahh nahhr ! slowly lahhhr ~~~
haaaaaaas ~ luff dao penq :x then recess ! lols .
btw , ii got sweet from PINKY & SERENE ..
andd frenshiip band for HUIYU ;D thksthks !
assembly was sayiinq abt th cross country ~~
tiink tiis yr ii will be goiinq bahhr ? lols ~
cos stayiinq at home iis smth verii boriinq ~
but charr && xy nt goiinq , so left mii ndd mad :x
haaaaas ! iit`s okkayyes ;D we dont miind !
after schh hadd leadershiip learniinq , fun ;D
groupedd up wiif liincoln , haaas ! he`s damn cute :x
diidn`t noe he iis liiddat funny dehhrs , hadd fun !
andd half of th v day iis gone ! lols ~ happy ? maybe ;D
back home ndd was supersuper boriinq ! lols ~
tmrr iis friiday , yeeaaahhhh ;D ! ii love friiday ~
cos saturday iis a FREE DAY ! haaaaaaaaaaaas ~
seems liik iim nt feeliinq down today ? well , ii must say ..
ii cnt let my Gans worry abt mii , cos they haf thr`s trouble too ?
so Gans , ii will try to stay happy alriites ;D ! no choiice mus act :x
alriites , iim off to do hmwk liiaoos ~~ rmb , iim nt really smiliinq ..


Thursday, February 14, 2008


back from adamkhoo programs ! lols ~ damn siiann .
falliinq aslp uu noe !? ndd only half of th class came -.-
nvm , better concentratiions ? lols ! was soso cold lahhr .
thks han for lendiinq mii ur warmwarm jacket ;D
was stoniiinq iin th SAC from 8am till 5pm , boriiinq !
duriinq break , took photos ndd chiitchat , still boredd ~~
hadd nth to do , so hadd to liisten to th talks . lols !
iim awake lahhr , deciidedd to workhard for lst year ;D
soso tiiriinq , but no choiice ii guess ? bobiianns ahhr !
study shdd be th only solutiions ii suppose ? lols ~~
learnt to tolarate ndd get away from diistractiions . lols ..
aniiwae , playedd game dat was quiite meaniinqful lahhr .
made some of us anqry , but at least iit`s worth iit ;D
tmrr hafiinq workshop , siiann siiahh ! dao 5pm -.-
but at least , iit helps ii to waste th half of th day .. lols !
cos tmr , iis jus a normal day to meeeeeeee ~~~~~~~~
nthh muchh gonna chanqe , or rather , NTH WILL CHANGE ..
off to work hardd liiaoos :x do miiss mii uhhs peepls !

Don`t come near mii ,
iim not Dat stronq x) !

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


today`s bb matchs agaiinst nqeeann , we lost :(
tmr hafiinq adamkhoo workshop , boriinnnqqq ~~
char nt goiinq , siianns ! thurs , workshop ~~
ndd valentiine day , gonna stay iin schh till 5pm ..
lols ! dreamiinq of a "priince" of miine to send mii hm .
~~ iindeed iim dreamiinq ! btw , sorry damiien && Junyonq ...
maybe iim closiinq dwn my blog ? nobody iis taqqiinq ...

Monday, February 11, 2008


shortshort post , cos my mood iis damndamn down ...
wake up , watch tv , brush teeths , bath , chanqed clothes ~
today iis soso boredd ~~ haiis , no mood at all . tmrr schh !
3periiodMATHS , 2periiodPE , RECESS , blablabla ~~~
iim really really boredd , andd moodless , so , paiisehhs alriites ..

Sunday, February 10, 2008


iim back from outiinq today ~~ lols !
ohhmyys . today iim damndamn moodless , haiis .
dont noe why ! went to coffee shop andd meet Juan , then go her hse ..
waiitedd for her andd watchh 2.20pm de moviiee ~
toqether wiif Juan , diino , biina , ahhviin , sam && yanqyanq ;D
was same , funny andd niice ~ then jiiu went to meet glovor ..
lols ! bus-edd to safra , but no more vacancy for games !
so . bus-edd to katonq andd play pool iinsteadd . lols ~
was watchiinq whiile th others are playiinq , so boredd !
aroundd 8 plus went to eat HK stuff , but ii diidnt eat ..
lols ! whole day ii eat nth lahhr , cos dont feel liik :x
they are cam-whoriinq ardd andd iim liik , so boredd ~
cos dont feel liik takiinq photos mahhr , lols !
then diino came andd we took photos , but nt niice !
take alot , delete alot too ! err , iis delete all :x
cos nt niice , haiis ~ nvm lahhr , can take other days .
sorry ahh diino ! lols ~ then jiiu bus-edd back to 201 ..
usedd toiilet andd walk back to Juan hse liiaoos ~~ lols !
th guys were playiinq cardds andd iim stoniinq , agaiins .
lols ! then ardd 12 plus jiiu went home liiaoos ~ siiannns ..
tmrr goiinq temple -.- siiann lahhr ! lols ~~
after dat maybe goiinq keviin hse ii tiinkk ? lols ..
see how bahhr ? cos iim duperduper siiann liiaoos ~~

Saturday, February 09, 2008

iim back to post liiaos ! lols ~ ytdd went to watch moviie ..
haaaas , soso tiiredd uu noe !? falliinq aslp xD ~~
but , th show iis DAMNDAMN niice ! haaas ~
watchh kungfu dunk ! niiceniice , 10 star rate ;D ~
haaaaaas ~ bouqht th combo meal andd hadd a water bottle .
soso cute cans !? can pull open andd close dehhr . lols ~
super keaii lahhr ! lols . finishh andd cab home ~
lols ! cab fare iis fcuk-iinq ex lahhr ~ hurhur ..
but we sharedd :x reachh home andd slp ardd 3am !
hurhur ~ these fews days iim soso tiiredd lahhr .
aniiwae , today went to houqanq 1st . lols !
totally , stranqers ! then to bedok , worst ~
all dont even talk dehhr , was stoniinq lahhr ~
then meet LH @ bedok iinter wiif korkor ~ lols !
then bus-edd to ahmahh hse , haaaas ~ damn siianns .
jus came back from ahhmahh hse ~ damndamn tiiredd !
was playiinq blackjack jus nw , haaaaas ! ii won ;D
ii won $2.50 zZzZzZz ! but at least ii won alriites ~
8th aunt lost th most ! haas ~ he`s th banker :x
then liik verii poor now liiaos ~ lols !
tmrr they wanna play agaiins @ SF hse ! haaas ~
maybe iim goiinq ? maybe not . lols !
andd iim meetiinq juan 12.30pm tmrr , for moviie !
agaiins , kunqfu dunk . lols ! but , iits niice lahhr ;D
after dat pool ii tiinkk ? haaas ~ iim jus watchiinq .
cos ii dont noe how to play :x haaaaaaaaaas !
soso boredd , my phone bill shdd be cheap ? lols !
cos nobody msq mii , and nobody reply mii .. lols ~
now iim off to ediit piics ! cos ii love cam-whoriinq ~
so ii took DAMNDAMN lot of piictures lahhrs !
soo , byyyeeeeeeeessss ! do miis mii uhhs ;D

are we driftiinq apart ? haiis .

Taqs Repliiedd :
XINGAN : yeayea ! woainiis ;D iim soso down , msq mii pls ~~
CHEL : okkayyes ! uu notii gal :x

Friday, February 08, 2008

hohohos ! iim back to post liiaos ~~ haaas .
jus back from wanqiin hse ! lols ~~
haaas ~ ytdd went to federiick hse aroundd 9 plus ..
damn damn paiisehhs uu noe !? iim th only gal ..
lols ! aniiwae , was driinkiinq andd sot of drunk ? -.-
haaaaas ~ but nobodys care , cos iim alone .. lols !
took photo wiif alotof ppl lahhr , cos iim boriinq !
took wiif Auggy , Jiahan , Nelson , Guanleonq && other :x
also chiit-chatiinq lahhr ~ lols ! damn fun ;D
then playedd blackjack till 2am plus , lols ~
went to hadd prata then , was damn full :x
andd ii diidnt even finishh lahhr ~~ lols !
then went to iinter andd meet diino they all ;D
lols ! slackiinq , cam-whoriinq , andd doiinq nth ~
went to northpark awhiile then jiiu went home liiaoos ~~
diino send mii home , thks ;D ! hm ardd 4am ~~
ohhmyys , iim alrdy so late , can uu iimaqiine hiim ?
he hadd to cab home -.- lols ! went to slp ardd 5am ~
damndamn tiiredd lahhr ! haiiyohhrs ~~~
went to mama hse aroundd 9am plus , haaaaas !
happy happy new year ;D ! was chit-chatiinq toos ~
then jiiu went back home andd meet daddy they all .
go to temple 1st andd saw tianyiinqMEI ;D !
haaaaaas ~ lols ! so qiiaos can ;D ! her siis iis so look liik her ~
aniiwae , went to ahmah hse andd we are th 2nd tiis year ;(
haaas ! we usedd to be th 1st one siiahhs , but nvm ;D
lols ! waitedd for th rest to come andd took anqbaos :x
haaaaaas ! thks for giifiinq mii anqbaos ;D ~~ LOLS ..
then to 206 andd as usual , to 388 ~ haaaas !
but ii was liik left out siias ! lols ~~ cos all chatiinq , iim alone .
lols ! but after dat talk to carmen andd was fiine liiaos ;)
was playiinq blackjack andd ii lost $20 plus ! hurhur ~
so pathetiic lahhr ~ lols ! rmb-iinq my 6th uncle de nuer .
yeeliinq , she came today ! haaas ~ ohhmyys , she`s pretty ;D
chat chat chat , diidnt manaqe to take photos :( nvm lahhr !
exchanqe number liiaoos ~ lols ! so gonna keep contact ;D
andd now we are at my hse now ~ haaas ! later 11.30pm ~
meetiinq YZ for moviie ! haaaas ~ gonna watchh Jay`s show .
lols ! andd Sat iim nt sure liiaoo bahhr ? see how lohhr .
cos ii got go or nt also nvm de bahhr ? lols ! no diifferennce ;D
ohhyahhr , diino andd mii gonna take photo on sat ;D
lols ! ok , iim off to play blackjack wiif them liiaoos ~~
photos will be postedd @ friiendster soons , byyeess ;D

Taq Repliedd :
HansiianqKOR : boooo ! thks thks ;D HAPPYNEWYEAR !
Aliice : HAPPY CNY ;D
Cousiin [ SF ] : yeayea ;D ! cya tmrr okks ? ilys ;D
Madeliine : thks thks ;D ! ii also tiiredd ~ watchiinq miidniite somemore :x

Thursday, February 07, 2008

iim awake ! haaaaaaaaas ~ damn tiiredd lahhr .
daddy lahhr , wake mii up -.- no schh today !
haaas ~ actually iis ii pon schh :x siiann mahhr .
Juan also nvr go mahhr , so shdd be nvm lahhr x)
lalalalas ! ytdd niite went to Juan hse for steamboat ~
niice niice ! but tiink will eat dao scare siia ~~
cos CNY mahhr , sure will go ardd eat steamboat !
hurhur , soso scary :x watever ! after dat mahjonq ~
haaaaas ! playedd wiif mama , so funny siiaaa ~
haiiyohhr , lols ! aroundd 10 plus went home alone ~
took back a carton of greentea , giiven by mama !
cos mamii took some goodiies for mama , so exchanqe ~
cute siia ;D lols ! damndamn heavy lahhr ~~
andd driink @ home liiaos ~ cos feel liik driinkinq :x
haaaas ~ slp aroundd 12 plus bahhr ? quiite tiiredd lehhr ..
ohhyahhr , ytdd @ msn chat wiif euqene ! haaaas .
he soso cute lahhr ! he add mii w/out telliinq mii who ii hiim .
then ask mii guess who iis hiim , haaaas ! ii was liik , errr ~
okkayy , but ii really dont noe who iis hiim siiahhhr !
untiil he say "toktoktok , say fastfast !" ~~ haaaas !
then ii was liik , "ohhs ! ii noe , euqenekoh uhhs !" ~
haaaaas ~ he was liik "ohhrs , fiinally :x" haaas ~
was chatiinq andd he was damndamn funny lahhr !
haaaaaaaas . he still haf to work duriinq CNY siiahh ~
but he diidnt go schh today also ! haaaaaaaaaaas ~
later gonna eat fiishball noodle for lunchh , daddy say dehhr .
ii tot he say diinner fiishball noodle siia ! lols ~
today`s diinner gonna start @ 5pm -.- so early !
cos daddy got somethiinq on mahhr , then nvm lohhrs ~
goiinq federiick hse for hiis b`dae ! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaas ~
andd maybe after dat goiinq moviie wiif cousiin ;D
miidnniite show siia ~ so today will be damndamn tiired :x
okk lahhr , iim off to do chores liiaos ~ haaaaaaas !
andd fiirsty , do my hmwk 1st ... arbo no tiime ;D

Happy B`dae Federick KOR ;D
Happy CNY `s eve ;D
Taqs Repliied :
#@@$: You arre ? thks for taqqiinq too ;D
HansiianqKOR : haaas ~ ii noe ! ii last yr go before lehhr ..

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

back postiinq ! siiannsiian ;D
hadd art lesson today , hurhur !
dat dumb mdmTAY ! she`s too muchh mann ~
she verii guofen siia :x say alot our rubbiish .
andd msTASNEEM , nvr expect she`s liiddat ?
haiis , from 502 to 501 so what siia !?
aniiwae , my CA for ART shdd be faiil !
lalalalalas ~ stupiid nahhrs ! haiis .
aniiwae , enqliish lesson watchh show ...
then jiiu recess , lols ! damn siian siia .
cnt iimaqiine recess can be so boriinq ~~
back to liibrary andd watchh th show agaiins .
lols ! then hadd maths , siiannsiiannsiiann ~
ii dont understand at all siia ~ lols !
aniiwae , ss andd geo was alriites ~~~ haas .
doiinq normal thiinqs lohhr , quiite tiiredd !
dont noe whhy nahhr , lik verii shaq andd sad ?
lols ! maybe tiiredd bahhr ? haaaas ~ watever !
lunchh was iinterestinq ? haaas . my nlvl ART !
was diisplayedd @ th canteen area for gallery :X
haaaas ! andd ahCHEOK was performiinq siiohhs ~
lols ~ char & xy`s art was diisplayed too ;D
MT lesson was iinterestiinq , haaaaaaaas !
luff && luff nahhr , lols ! then jiu peii madmad ~
she went to see her F&N teacher , ii stone lohhr .
was standiinq @ th lvl 3 thr andd wonderiinq ~~
wat iif ii jump down ? who cares , haaas ~
rubbiishh nahhr ! lols ~ then bus-edd to iinter .
meet laopo ! hurhur ~ lonqlonq tiime bo meet .
miiss her soso muchh nahhr ! haaas ~~ lols ..
went strolliinq andd shoppiinq ~ iim soso moodless .
tiiredd andd shaq nahhr ! saw ciindy too ;D
then walk aroundd tm && cs .. saw diino =)
andd of cos hiis fren they all , lols !
liik so qiiao ? whether tm or cs , we will meet .
haaaaaas ! lols . then finnally bus-edd home !
damn hungry andd tiiredd nahhr ~ daddy at home zZzZz !
one wordd : boriinnnqqqq ~ cos he will naq :x
aniiwae , mamii jus came back ! lols ~~
iim off to bath andd goiinq to juanjuan hse !
hafiinq steamboat wiif mama && kaiiyehh :x
btw , no. of viiewiinq iin my bloq iis manii .
but whhy iin taqboardd liik deadd lehhr ? lols .

boy , dont love mi animore ?

Taqqs Replied :
ManqTanq : okkayyes ^^
Diino : -.- haiis !

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

postiinq a piics of mii weariinq PE attiire last week , haaaas.

mathh test th 1st periiodd , ohhmyygodd lahhr ! hurhur .
out of 15 ii tiink ii scoredd 3 niias :x ii dunoe how ~
lols ! hadd PE today also ~ but walk walk niias .. lols !
cos ii haf a iinjuredd butt :X haaaaas ! paiin lahhr ..
thenn jiiu recess , lols ~ monndayyy bllluuueeeeeeee !
every lesson also tiiredd nahhr ! hadd ss && geo today ~
but geo teacherr was nt here mahhr . so , chiit-chat !
haaaaaas . then jiiu relax relax lohhr , then lunchh .
hurhur ! MT 3 periiod siiahhs ~ went madd uu noe !?
last week hadd MT test , ii scoredd 19 out of 25 ;D
same as madmad && diino ! haaaas ~ qiiao siiahh x)
aniiwaee ! after dat jiiu walk to 201 andd bouqht sushii home !
niice nahhr :x lols ! but , home alone now ~~
gonna haf a nap now , damn tiiredd nahhr ~ lols !
andd , still tiinkiinq whether wed shdd ii go schh ..
cos , madmad nt goiinq , then xy goiinq . hurhur !
mii && charr nt sure leiis . lols ! they 2 ahhr .
@ MT lesson shout shout -.- haaaas ! mii andd charr was lik ,
eerrrrrr , dont quarrel cans !? haaaaas . watever nahhr !
byyyyyyyeeeeesssss ;D

2 more days to CNY`s eve !
3 more days to CNY !
9 more days to ADAM KHOO wkshp !
10 more days to VALENTINE x(

maybe iits FATED ?
ii guess so bahhr ,
but ii don hope so ...

Monday, February 04, 2008

fiinally iim back home ! haaas ~ lols .
soso tiiredd nahhr ~ lols , went to shoppiinq !
today , nt my day nahhr , haiishaiishaiis ~~
went to meet LH & stdd @ tampiines iinter . lols !
then went to 77th street andd bouqht shiirt , niice !
ii liik , haaaaas ! then MRT-edd to buqiis , lols ~~
meet SBB thr andd went walkiinq aroundd .
everyone bouqht smthh nahhr , haaaas ~~
aroundd 5 plus , SF came andd she diid maniicure .
lols ! ii fall down uu noe !? hurhur ~~~
cry-iinq liik a baby siiahhs ~~ soso paiin lahhr !
walkiinq liik a handiicap uu noe ~~ lalalalalalas !
SF went to buy skiinny andd went to alter .. lols .
damndamn tiiredd liiaoos siiahhs ! but hadd fun ;D
lols ! MRT-edd back to tampiines andd eat mcdd ~
andd fiinally , bus back home ! haaaas ~~ lols .
tmrr hafiinq PE lahhr , siiannsiiannsiiann :x
mathh test th 1st preiiod , ohhmyysgodd nahhr !
hurhur ~ now iim off to slp liiaoos ~ byyyyeeees !
btw , my butt really hurts uu noe !? *ouchhs*

maybe we are REALLY not meant to be ?
ii will respect ur deciisiion alriites ;D

Taqs Replied :
Huiiyu : haaaas . mii too ! hurhur ! monday tell uu wat happen ;D
Hansiianq : thks kor ! haaaas ~
back back back ! haaaas . lols .
wake up damn early lahhr . lols ~
cos of th sun nahhr ! shiine iin my room zZzZz ~
then bo curtaiin mahhr , lols ! siiann ..
then hadd to wake up lohhr . haaaas ~
maybe back to slp later , luffs ! ;D
siiann ahhr ! tmrr schlliinq liiaos , hurhur ~
homework homework , all not done !
later iim gonna chiionq liiaoos ~~ haaas .
damndamn siiann uu noe !? hurhur ~
dont feel liik goiinq schh , hadd to see hiim !
haiis ~ watever nahhr , iim mooddless now .
off to do other chores liiaoos , byyyyeessss ~

ii dreamt of Diion agaiins .
wat`s wronq nahhr !? haiis ..

Taqs Replied :
darran : thks for taqqiinq ;D tkcares !
cousiin : haaaas ! qiidaii nahhr ~ photo ahhr ;D
siiewliinq : thks ahhr ! haaas ~ ps , mafan uu !

Sunday, February 03, 2008

back postiinq ~ haaaas . woke up @ aroundd 10 plus bahhr ?
lols ! was searchiinq for skiins lahhr . but nvr searchh dao ~~
then wentto preparedd andd waiitedd for mamii to be home ..
lols ~~ then went to siimeii andd hadd lunchh ! niiceniice ^^
hadd sushii lahhr ~ lols ! then didi bouqht clothes , lols ~
look smart uhh x) lalalalas ! then MRT-edd back to tampiines .
lols ~~ was walkiinq but see NTH ! cos liik no moodd nahhr .
then nvr bu dao anythiinq lohhr ? haaaas ~ ohh yahhr ..
@ MRT statiion saw leonardd they all , basketball derrhhs ~
lols ! then was boredd , so took MRT to bedok , saw liincoln !
haaaaas ~ they goiinq somewhere nahhr , lols ~~
reachh bedok andd didi bouqht one clothes agaiins ~~
btw , saw nelsonKOR && louiisERZI ! haaaaaas ~ lols .
they are shoppiinq too ! haaas . seems so fatedd uhhs ?
cos everywhr we go , we saw them ^^ haaaas ! watever ~
lols ! was buyiinq KFC , then daddy came fetchh us to 400 ++
he liik mood not gd ? lols ! tiinkk iis bonus pay bahhr ? haas .
then hadd diinnerr andd was bloatedd uu noe !? cos hadd KFC x)
lalalalalas ~~ went to "shop" for CNY food too . lols !
liik nth muchh ? cos not gonna iinviite ppl mahhr ~ haaaas .
but bouqht alot of driinks , haaaa ! so dat ii can driink ;D ~
then daddy fetchh us home andd now iim postiinq xD ! lame ..
tmrr goiinq out wiif cousiin ! haaaas ~ happy happy *

ii`ve no comment , but sad ?

Taqs Repliied :
Yoko : okkayyes ^^ cya iin schh uhhs !
PASSERBY : err , x)

Saturday, February 02, 2008

back postiinq ! haaas ~ soso boredd .
today hadd physiic test , ohhmyys !
ii haf confiidence ii will get 8 out of 25 xD !
cos ii diidnt do a 4marks qns ! andd th rest , haiis ~
chemiistry was ok nahhr , after CNY holiis , examms !
andd maths too ! hurhur ~ graph uu noe !?
nxxt week CNY liiaos , hurhur ! no exciitment at all ~
cos no mood mahhr , iim mad lahhr zZzZz ..
after schh slackk ardd uncle`s shop ..
chattiinq wiif xiinnqanns && charr they all !
haaaas ~ after dat bus-edd back home liiaos .
was doiinq NTH ! aroundd 4.30pm , went to slp ~
damn damn tiiredd nahhr .. wake up almost 7pm .
haaaas ! watchhedd show andd waiited for juan to come .
lols ~ diino liied to mii zZzzZ ! ii tot he nvr come ~
cheys ! he hiide nahhrs ~ haiiyohhr , liik chiildren :x
lalalalalas ~ was watchiinq teeeveee andd no hmwk done !
aiiyahhr , today FRIDAY ! no hmwk to do :x
got also tmrr doiinq ~~ cos FRIDAY iis rest day !
horr juan ! haaaas ~ lols , was lookiinq @ ppl bloqs .
andd gossiipiinq ! lols ~ ohhmyys , she`s so ...........
okkayyes , watever nahhr ! lols . then aroundd 10 plus .
daddy came backk , lols lols lols ! he`s weiirdd nahhr ~

ME : daaddiie , ii haven eat diiner ehhs .
DADDY : wan eat mcdds ?
ME : huh ? wat uu say ..
DADDY : wan eat mcdonald mahhr ? ask Juan they all also ..
ME : huh , ohhs . okok ..
DADDY : Luffs*

he`s weiirdd nahhr ! lols ~~ so gd ;D
aniiwae , aroundd 11 plus they jiiu went hm lerr .
lols ! soso bored nahhr ~ tmr : no goiinq out !
wahhliiaooos ~~ fcuk lahhr :x
cos mamii dont let nahhr ! hurhur ~
andd tmrr niite goiinq buy CNY stuffs !
haaaas ~ iim gonna ask mamii buy alot alot !
cos my hse now iis liik , empty uu noe !?
lalalalas ~ hafiinq stomachh ache frm morniinq ..
tiill now , jus came out of toiilet :x
but iis lik , won`t stip dehhr nahhrs !
andd th best thiinq iis , awhiile pain , awhiile nt paiin .
wat iis thiis man ! lols ~~ btw , han iis iin my hse !
he saiid wann early come , iin the end , he jus reachh ..
lols ! okk nahhr , iim off to slp liiaoos ~ byyes !

ii diidnt noe uu were liiddat .....
diissapoiintment : 200%

Taqs Repliied :
diino : ahh nahhr , ii dumb lahhr . lols !
mrGrape : haaas ~ liinkedd uu too ^^
Laiman : yuppyupp ! short nt suiitable mii lahhr ~ wan keep lonq liiaos .
Aliice : yeaas ;D uu tkcares too ! &/muchh loves ~
Charmaine : agaiins ! haaas ~ okok ^^

Friday, February 01, 2008

booooooo ! iim back postiinq ~~ haaas .
lols . now hafiinq enqliishh lesson lahhr .
niid to readd short storiies blablabla -.-
so stupiid lahhr . lols ! today had art lessoon ..
hurhur ! draw 13 liiaos ~ but only 5 cans !
cos nt relatedd to kiitchen , wahhlaoos xD ~
then th other piictures must paste @ miindmap bahhr ?
lols ! kk lahhr , mus do hmwk ! hurhur ~ lols .
byyyyeeeee ~ later hafiinq hse meetiinq , ;D !

last day of Jan , no comment ~
Nt welcom-iinq Feburary , valentine !

Taqs Repliiedd :
Gerald : err , okok . soonsoon ahhrs ^^
CharmaiineMAMA : haaaas ! ya nahhr , nxxt tiime put charrMAMA ! lols ^^
Diino : haiiyohhr , uu ahhr ~ dumbdumb diino ! :x
WenCHIOCHIO : haaaas ~ okok ^^ loves too ;D
Chelsea : haaaas , sorrty sorry ! reliinkk soon ok ~
ClareMEI : haaaas ~ okk nahhr ! miiss lahhr , of cos ~ chat onliine ^^
HuiiyuXINGAN : haaaaas ! uu don`t tiinkk too muchh uhhs ! lols ~ ily lahhr ;D

{ updatedd @ 3.57pm }
back home , boriinq lahhr ~~
jus nw hadd house meetiinq .. lols !
iis soso liittle space niias bodohh !?
haiiyohhr ~lols ! hafiinq headachhes cos th ppl are shoutiinqq ...
liik hell uu noe !? ohhmyys nahhr ~~
okk , iim tiiredd andd hadd to decor my hse :x
watever lahhr , soso xiinku ! cos iim siick ;D
stomachh aches , couqh , flu & now headache !
am ii dyiinq ? luffs * byyyyeeeeeeessss ~~

Jealous = 104% [ ;D ! ]