Saturday, January 26, 2008

* 星期五 *

Hellooooos ! I love friday ~ Cause tmr no school, hahahah ! Started with the morning with MrEe's nag, zZz ~ Well, that save Madeline from being scolded ! Cause she does bring article ~ Laugh . Well, didnt went to lab for Chemistry but was staying in class doing worksheets ! After that had 3 period of Physics, and yesterday's test result was alrights ba ? MrGoh showed us some thingy, that can do something like "wash clean" the metal stuff ~ Well, my ring was really "cleaned" ! After that went for recess, ate bread only ! Cause I gotta save money, and the queue was long ~ Anyway, was chatting with Xingan ! Back to class had Chemistry, then Maths again ~ Omg, maths seems so difficult for me.... After school had lunch at Coffee shop ! Then back home ~ Well, later going Juan's house with Adrian ! Gotta go homework & chat I think :x Tmr going buy clothers I guess ? Lalalala, gotta go bath now, byeeeee ~

Btw, my phone line had been cut off ! Well, cause Mommy didnt pay.. Seems like my house is in a bad condition ? No money for lots of things, sighs ~ Im thinking, should I really take Olvl ? If I really want to, I gotta buck up & work very hard ~ But, Im not really confidence bout it ? I really gotta re-consider... It's not easy for Olvl, sighs ! Some how I feel that Im drifting apart with them ~ I dont know, it seems so hard to start a topic ? I feel kinda irritated, I dont knw why ~ Im really feeling down please, who understand... Nobody I guess ? But I think it's too much for me, really too much ~

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