Wednesday, January 30, 2008

You don't know !

Finally back posting ! Miss me ? Aww ~ Just came back from school, so damn tired these few days ~ Anyway had PE yesterday, so damn super fun ^^ Was playing badminton with JH they all ~ Damn fun , but we're all so damn sweaty man ! Feel like bathing uh ~ Anyway, end school meet PJ & went to 201 help XY take her phone ! Bus back to Tamp, the bus driver is really damn lame ~ He scold us for nothing, damn shit -.- Still threaten to ask us alight the bus ! We didn't do anything please ~ Hack care him ! PJ came over my house, and I was tidying my room :/ Damn messy, thanks to PJ for helping me ! Ate chicken rice for dinner, and Adrian came over too ~ Was doing homework again, damn weird please ~ This Adrian ah, keep disturbing me ! Keep saying he don't wanna friend me la, don't wanna talk to me la ~ Damn cute :x Anyway, today's lesson sucks okay ! Back home & was even more bored ~ Ohya, EVSS vs LYSS for basketball, 57 : 36, WE WON ^^ Grats to Kevin & Adrian ! Okay, gonna go off now, I srsly have no mood for anything, sigh :(

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