Saturday, January 19, 2008

* 想你? *

Im back ! Laughs, was staying in school doing homework yesterday ~ While Madeline is having her Judo ! Together with Angela, Charmain & Chelsea too ~ Around 4 plus headed back home, quite tiring day ! Laughs, today had 6 period of Science lesson ~ Ohmygod, 3 physics & 3 chemistry ! Totally, going mad ~ Physics was playing with the frequency range of our hearing . Well, Im the only person whose frequency is so damn low cans ? Normal range is 20Hz till 20KHz, mine range is 20Hz till 11KHz ~ Which is kinda abnormal, laughs . And, im the lowest range in class ! Anyway, they are making fun of me ~ Damn shy I can say ! Anyway, had maths lesson today again ~ How boring man ! So many many homework ~ After school went to Madeline house with Hubert, study -.- Played only I guess ? Laughs, after that went to 201 & meet Mommy ! Ohyea, bought the new year's decoration thingy ~ Daddy say this year's decorating will leave it to me ! Laughs, im gonna make the house look like DisneyLand . I'll try ah ~ Laughs . Anyway, tmr's CIP ! After that gonna go 日本村 ~ Then going White Sand, find ShangFen for my free colour contact lens ! Alrights, byeeeeeeee ~

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