Sunday, October 31, 2010


Short update before I head to sleep ok ? Off day today, and Baby came over to meet me ! Sweet isn't it ? Laugh, went for lunch at house downstair, headed back home and watch American Pie 4 ! Well, kinda great to 'nua' at home with your loved one on your off day actually :D Hmmm, was about to go down to buy dinner but Korkor helped us to buy ! Yup, so we ate KFC again :D Watching Harry Potter on channel 5 again, srsly no show to watch on tv man ! Around 930pm, baby headed home :( Hate this moment when we bid goodbye ! But well, we gonna meet on either Tuesday or Wednesday for dinner ~ And Friday he's coming over to stay ! Great isn't it ? Best of all, Saturday we're heading to Underwater world + Dolphin Lagoon :D Wish this silly guy enjoy his 20th birthday ! Okay done, tmr gonna wake up @ 630am, nights :)

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Saturday, October 30, 2010


Back posting again.... 3rd post today, kinda bored so I keep posting and posting ! Well, Elson changed his timing with me :DD So I can go dating with Baby ! Hahaha, ok I'm gonna watch show now, byeeeeeeeeee :D

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I'm back ! Hahaha ~ Currently ay SingTel Comcenter (my workplace) ! Doing nothing man, we are like watching Harry Potter from channel 5, chit chatting and slacking -.- ! Went to fairprice just now to buy those snacks ~ Cos when I got nothing to do, I'll eat eat eat xD ! Well well, gotta wait for hours and hours to chase the contractor to clear the tickets all these, zZz ~ All because of the damn soccer ! Omg, I'm working on 6 nov next week, I can't afford to work pls ! Cos I'm gonna help my dear boy to celebrate his 20th birthday :D Jimson last min can't change with me, and now I'm asking Elson for help.... Hope he can help me !

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Well well ! I found this apps to post my blog using my iPhone :D Okay, I'm now waiting for train heading to Somerset for my 1st BPL (Soccer Match)'s shift @ SingTel ! I hope I won't be late, cos I'm meeting Pohlee & Peiyi 430pm to buy snacks ~ But I'm still at tamp ! Anyway, gonna work till 1am tonight..... Wish me luck !

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