Sunday, April 04, 2010



  • Decided to go E-hub, together with BABY & Didi !
  • The 3 of us went to took Neoprint (◕‿◕✿) !
  • Machine over there sucks, waste our money (¬_¬)


  • Suppose to go Hougang with baby for his Hard disk ~
  • Last min decided to go Bedok 85 for dinner :]
  • Took bus 17 from E-hub ! Take photos, again (◕‿-) !


  • Spend around $24 over there ! Quite worth :]
  • Everything was nice & seriously very delicious !
  • But the Cockles there is smelly, waste money (¬_¬) !
  • Baby's dad fetch us home from Bedok :]

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  • Back home, wash up ! Waited for Mommy to go out, didi came out !
  • Did Jelly for the both of them, including myself !
  • Took damn lots of photos with Baby, HAHAHAHA (≧◡≦)


PS : Great day spend with Baby ♥
PSS : He's staying over for 1 more night !

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