Friday, June 27, 2008

Jiieet ! Today's friday, and it doesnt seems lik a good day for me?
Early in th morning, late for sch ! Reach gate, gate close -.- Jiiet lohhs !
Then had to pull skirts, tie hair -.- Super mafan ! But no choiice, laughs*

Back to class, Geo lesson ! Hmwk agains, siiann ~ Then MT lesson, siiann !
Oral practiise for the others, Laughs* Yazi really makes us mad, ii swear ~
His action, his way of speaking ! He became MsDuck le -.- Laughhs**

Recess, boredboredbored ! Longlong being mad, saying he doesnt haf a friend !
He sit alone with Xingan&Cher ~ Laughs* & heiiheii they all ignore him ~
Yea, dats them ! Always playing, laughing no matter what happen ;DD

Physic pratical was oh-so fine ! Nth much happen, jus do pratical ~~
Release kind early, but reach class kind late :x Laughs, maths mah !
Vinay is nt here today, enjoy ah ! Many were missing from class ~
Given probability question, kinda hard liiaos :x Yang help me ;DD

Then slacking around sch nearby, as usual ! Storey5, chit chat session ~
Char they all smoke, then we chat ~ Bus home together with Xingan !
Huanchoon kinda Emo today ? Wat's wrong uhs ? Hmms, cheer up Huanchoon !

Bought western food, niice pls ! Cause iim super super hungry, ii swear ~
Gonna stay at home for the whole day, ii swear ! Nth to do at home ..
Unable to go out ! Mom dont let, jiieet ahh ~ Gonna rot at home -.- !

Trying very hard, very hard to forget those things that haf happened ~
But ii just cant ? I dont noe, everyone is changing, mood getting weirds.
Gonna jus focus on studies, and nth else ii think ? Im sorry, readers..

To Han :
Let's giive each other more time ? I've said before, after O then we talk abt it, can? Meanwhile, why dont you & myself think abt, wat we really wants. & wat shd we do? Rushing doesnt make things work better, agree? I dont wanna go back to th same relationship, with the same kinda thing happening in future.. Understand? I dont noe wat th others told you, but iim jus hacking it. Cause ii really dont noe wat else can ii say. & ii really dont lik to rush things lik this, esp relationship. I mean lik, if nth goes wrong, then for wat we end? Did we need these time to change? This relationship is between you & me, get wat ii mean ?