Monday, March 17, 2008

Long long post ! haaas ~ sorry ppl !
diidnt update my blog -.- cos iim too lazy :X
now ii fiinally haf th chhance to post :X

10marchh to 12marchh `08
add Enq oral , ohhmyys ! th topiic iis lik -.-
abt handiicappedd siiohhs ! haiiyohhs ~
then aniihow lahhrs :x lols !
aniiwae , went back home andd prepare myself =D
meet charr && JFYF , went to buy iingrediient for diinneer && snacks :)
then back home , slowly all my friiends came ~
then chiit chats lahhr , cam-whore lahhrs :x
smth happen , sorry ppls !
If ii spoiil mood , paiisehhs ahhs ~
aniiwae , th biirthday supriise was really a good one =D
Thks my gal ! I really enjoyedd th biirthday celebratiionns !
And th miickey toy iis sosocute =DDD ~
went to charr house at ardd 12 plus , stayiinq at her house wiif JFYF && thiia mamiie !
chats andd was really great to slp wiif so many ppls besiide wiif uu :x
haaaas ! JFYF was th 1st to slp , haaas ~
then nvm , contiinue chat && smth happen .
PS : Char.mama , dont tiinkk too muchh ! I will be here for uu =DD
lols . woke up aroundd 10am -.- haf to prepare for MT oral , lols !
Enviironment -.- ! finishhedd very fast , haaaas !
cos whole sec501 one teacher =D andd yanq was th tiime keeper !
haaas ~ he`s really cute ! lols ~
went home , preparedd andd waiitedd for th rest !
lols , lesser andd lesser ppl goiinq for th eatiinq sessiion -.-
iin th endd left mii , charr mama , Thiia mamii , JFYF , XINGAN , BF , Auggy & heiiheii niiahhs .
then nvm lohhs ! went to Whiitesandd for diinneer ~
Thks to th traffiics jams , Auggy , XINGAN , heiiheii && mii went iinsane -.-
haaas ! siinqiinq sonq loudly iin th bus , we must be lookiinq dumb :x
haaas ! aniiwae , ate smth andd went to MRT statiion ~
meet Yuekaii && Lonqlonq then MRT to Tiionqbahru =D
haaaas ! meet winniie thr andd cab to zouk =D
JFYF , Lonqlonq , mii && Bf iin a cab :)
then reachh thr haf to queue for th entry -.-
cut queue lahhs ! haaas ~ then very fast jiu iin liiaos .
I mus be lookiinq stupiid , cos 1st tiime go mahhrs !
haaas ~ then nvm lahhrs . Competitiions &&
Talks was soso boriinq -.- andd 12am , fiinally can dannce =D !
at fiirst nt dare to dance -.- haaas !
then slowly dance till mad :x all of us was really enjoyiinq !
4am cabb back to tampiines andd they went for mac breakfast !
not or mii , cos iim really really tiiredd alriites =D
I`m jus tiiredd ! lols ~ went home slp till 2pm -.-
haaas ! damn tiiredd de siiohhs ~
bouqht piizza for myself &&
enjoy iit iin my room :) diid art too andd steamboat for diinneer !
haaaas . went to xy house andd diid art ! lols ~
andd aroundd 11 plus , back home slp :)

13marchh && 14marchh`08
meet juan for shoppiiqn today ! haaas ~
shoppiinq spreee wiif $20 -.- haaaas !
no choiice , ii no money liiaoos :X
aniiwae , was raiiniinq lik shit lahhrs !
meet her @ tmart andd hadd mac for lunnchh :)
prayiinq hard dat th raiin will get smaller ~
haaaas . but no fear , cos juan hadd her BIGBIG umbrella wiif her :x
lols ! went to bugiis andd startedd to spend money !
hohohos :x after dat went to siimliim andd walk aroundd !
shunbiian look for my "new" mp3 =D haaaas !
then went back to my house , fashiion show :X
tryiinq on our clothiinqs ! henq ahh , can wear :x
haaaas ~ then headedd to her house , today nt goiinq home :)
chats andd chats ! lols ~ aroundd 11 plus , ciindy came :)
chats AGAINS ! Thks AIAI && MAMI , ii`ve understand liiaoos =D
3am , knock out ! damn tiiredd ~ haaaas !
wake up aroundd 10am , went home andd chanqed clothes ~
meet federiick.korkor && went for lunchh :)
MRT to hiis schh ! then MRT backk to bugiis andd bought my mp4 =D
haaaas ! shoppiinq wiif hiim aroundd bugiis ~
happen to pass by NAFA schh ! ohhmyys , so niice :)
haaaas ! then MRT back to tampiines , bus home .
then pack thiinqs && went to juan house !
Chiionq art && complete 6 layouts at aroundd 2am -.-
haaaas ! back home , andd niites ! And bf came my hse :)

15marchh && 16marchh`08
Wake up andd see my bf sitiinq besiide mii :)
haaas ! Luffs* then hadd breakfast andd use computer till niight :x
so my art iis , nvr do dao ! haaaas ~
then went to Juan house andd deciidedd to chiionq another 6 more layouts !
till aroundd 3am , fiinally done ~ haaaas !
crackedd our braiins -.- lols ! wake up aroundd 1pm , soso late !
haf to chiionq anotherr 6more layouts ~~
andd aroundd 6pm , fiinally done :) so , layouts for Olvl iis DONE !
then went to bath lohhs ~ hadd dinner andd now iim home !
haaaas ~ holiidays hadd endedd , hohohos !
andd tmrr back schhs ~ enjoy enjoy !