Friday, November 21, 2008


Hellos ! Im back posting alrdy :DDD Finally, it's friday and I dont have to get up at 8am tmr morning ! Hahahah, super happy ~~ Today was really really a good day ! I begin to like this job more and more ! A big big sorry to every readers in my blog ~ Leave you guys dissapointed with no post updated, sorry alright ! Cause Im way too tired to post my blog ! Hahah, and finally today Im free :DD

Yupyup, lunch gonna be alone everyday :( Quite pathetic actually ! But it's okay, I will takeaway food back to the office to eat ! At least Im not alone siting at the foodcourt eating, no way man ! Im not gonna do that, never ever please ~ It's so embrassing laaa ! Hurhur, think I spelled wrongly :x Hahah ! Anyway, ytd I eat KFC for lunch, super full pleasee ! Cause had been eating bread whole day for monday & tuesday, quite pathetic I swear ~ Hahah, and it's kinda sick ! Hahaha, today ate the japanese rice with chicken :DD Nice ! Hahah, together with Simin . She sneak out from office and come eat with me at the lockers there, seems pathetic uhs !

Attire today is Jeans and tees ! Hahaha, best man ~ I finally can anyhow choose my tees and wear to work like Im going out for shopping ! Hahaha, and today is really a good day ! I don knw why, maybe it's friday ? Hahaha ~ Well, in BCS iformation blablabla, ther's 3 bank, or rather 3 groups . DBS, OCBC & SCB . Im in the SCB, and simin is in the OCBC ! Hurhur, DBS sucks alright ~~ Let me say, everyday OCBC & SCB finished their work around 6plus, but yet we cant go home yet . All thanks to DBS ! They are taking their own sweet time and they wont appreciate at all ! People are sacrificing their working time to help them out, and those people in DBS are simply taking their own sweet time laa ! Buey pai seh uhs ~~ Retrenched so what :x Hahah ! That's all ! And I get to chat with those people in my group today ~~

Finally, after being mute for 4 day ! Today i finally laugh and joke with them ~ Hahah, that's the reason why Im loving this job more ~ Cause I get to chat, so I wont sleep ! Hahah, they keep call me meimei, mean sister in chinese . Quite funny, but I still answer them :x They knw my name actually -.- Hahah ! They keep gossip about people pleasee ! Hahah, think 1 day I'll become like them too ! Hahaha ~ Today ate LongJohn for dinner, haha ! Price go up alrdy ! And 20cents for a packet of tartar sauce ~ Ohmygod ~ I think I can go NTUC buy a whole bottle and bring it to Long John next ! Hahaha, then walk home, very hardworking hors :x Hahah, siian ma !

And now Im back home doing nothing ! Suppose to meet Simin & Auggy for supper de, but was cancelled ! Hurhur, gonna call mommy to take away some snacks for me ! Think Im growing fat soon soon soon ! Cause while working, they were saying that some of the staff wasnt so big size when they jus came in . Hahah, yup Im scare :x But I'll control alright :DDD No more tea snacks for me in office okays ! Monday gonna work OT, sure will be super late . Cause we have 2 MCs on monday, hurhur ! Hope monday, I wont blue :x Hahaha ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ Blog done, diary turns >.<


Geovanni: Hahaha, sorry ah ! Never tell you I change number :x Come find me must text me ! And try to find me around lunch time ma !

Nicholas: Huhs ? Tell you what ? Hahaha, text me :D

Audrey: Hahah, wanna relax no money leys ! Mus work 1st ah :D You no work ?

Veronica: Haha, Im fine :D You ? Busy working these few days ! Text me :D