heyheyhey ! iim back alriight ~ haaaas :x
ytd niight went to downtown shoppiing mall .
luffs* my second tiime thr, totally diifferent siiohhs !
all shop was closed th first tiime, now all open !
haaaas ~ except for lvlv 3 ! aniiwae, ate dinner @ hm 1st .
lols ~~ mamii say talk to mii agaiin -.- abt han thiing :x
lalalalas ~~ aniiwae, saw hubert at thr, NEWYORK :x
he workiing thr, luffs* quiite slack siiohhs . haaas ~
went to see th ferry wheel, so niice ple ! luffs*
then Boy say, wan sit dont sit this, go sit th mariina de -.-
haaaas ! walk around andd went to arcade, luffsluffs*
saw serene, charmaiine, boy's cousiin, angela ! haaas .
went to play th basketball machiine, funfunfun ! lols ~~
playedd with korkor, nt bad siiohs :x almost all iin .
almost lahhs ! luffs* play dao soso tiiredd :x haaas .
then aroundd 11 plus, went to mac andd slackslack .
lols ! then took bus home liiaos, ohhsoo tiiredd cans ?
reachh home andd was ohhsoo angry ! stupiid didi :x
dont noe do wat then th mouse cnt use -.- ohhmyys ~
korkor damn angry andd he bannedd him frm using com .
haaaas ! zhong, jus too bad for uu lahhs ! haaaaas ~~
iim so bad :x aniiwae, check blog andd then went to slp !
morniing was soso cold :x cos ii diidnt swiitch off my aiircon !
hurhur ~ andd now iim hafiing flu liiaoos -.- haaas ~
7th aunt came with her cutecute son ! haaaas ~ he's so cute .
come iin my room, see see, then go out. haaaas ! cute lahhs :x
okok, andd daddy help mii lamiinate my piictures, thks !
later goiing out study wiif xiingan ! now go prepare liiaoos,
byeeeee ! update ltr ;DD tmrr exmas agaiins , ohhmyys !
{updated on 9.20pm}
hohohohos ! iim back postiin liiaoos ~~ hurhur !
jus nw nvr study dao nahhs , cos bo mood :x
Xingan, pls pls cheer up ! ur fren yangyang say de very meaningful ;D
so, listen to his advice, sure no wrong ;DD
aniiwae, watchiing dou niu yao bu yao agaiins :x
cos was far too boredd ! ohhmyystiian ~ jiieeet !
tmrr geo paper, andd ii haven study dao, die mans ~
andd maths paper1 too ! hurhur, diediedie pls :x
jus nw aroundd 7pm, headachhe nahhs ! then went to slp.
luffs* 8.45pm, Boy coll mii wake up, thks dear ;DD
wake up andd posting now ~ later gonna study abit,
arbo tmrr sure diie cans !? haaaas ~ so ppl, byeee !
ytd niight went to downtown shoppiing mall .
luffs* my second tiime thr, totally diifferent siiohhs !
all shop was closed th first tiime, now all open !
haaaas ~ except for lvlv 3 ! aniiwae, ate dinner @ hm 1st .
lols ~~ mamii say talk to mii agaiin -.- abt han thiing :x
lalalalas ~~ aniiwae, saw hubert at thr, NEWYORK :x
he workiing thr, luffs* quiite slack siiohhs . haaas ~
went to see th ferry wheel, so niice ple ! luffs*
then Boy say, wan sit dont sit this, go sit th mariina de -.-
haaaas ! walk around andd went to arcade, luffsluffs*
saw serene, charmaiine, boy's cousiin, angela ! haaas .
went to play th basketball machiine, funfunfun ! lols ~~
playedd with korkor, nt bad siiohs :x almost all iin .
almost lahhs ! luffs* play dao soso tiiredd :x haaas .
then aroundd 11 plus, went to mac andd slackslack .
lols ! then took bus home liiaos, ohhsoo tiiredd cans ?
reachh home andd was ohhsoo angry ! stupiid didi :x
dont noe do wat then th mouse cnt use -.- ohhmyys ~
korkor damn angry andd he bannedd him frm using com .
haaaas ! zhong, jus too bad for uu lahhs ! haaaaas ~~
iim so bad :x aniiwae, check blog andd then went to slp !
morniing was soso cold :x cos ii diidnt swiitch off my aiircon !
hurhur ~ andd now iim hafiing flu liiaoos -.- haaas ~
7th aunt came with her cutecute son ! haaaas ~ he's so cute .
come iin my room, see see, then go out. haaaas ! cute lahhs :x
okok, andd daddy help mii lamiinate my piictures, thks !
later goiing out study wiif xiingan ! now go prepare liiaoos,
byeeeee ! update ltr ;DD tmrr exmas agaiins , ohhmyys !
{updated on 9.20pm}
hohohohos ! iim back postiin liiaoos ~~ hurhur !
jus nw nvr study dao nahhs , cos bo mood :x
Xingan, pls pls cheer up ! ur fren yangyang say de very meaningful ;D
so, listen to his advice, sure no wrong ;DD
aniiwae, watchiing dou niu yao bu yao agaiins :x
cos was far too boredd ! ohhmyystiian ~ jiieeet !
tmrr geo paper, andd ii haven study dao, die mans ~
andd maths paper1 too ! hurhur, diediedie pls :x
jus nw aroundd 7pm, headachhe nahhs ! then went to slp.
luffs* 8.45pm, Boy coll mii wake up, thks dear ;DD
wake up andd posting now ~ later gonna study abit,
arbo tmrr sure diie cans !? haaaas ~ so ppl, byeee !