Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Laughs* back postiing alrdy ! Changed blogskins, very long nvr change le ~
Hah ~ Baby also changed blogskins alrdy ! He diid it himself, ii nvr help xP

Today sch was duper duper siian ! Maybe cause of my mood, aint dat gd ?
Im not feeling very great today, althought ii've ChickenWing for recess :x
Mood was pretty down ~ And many thing rush through my mind, many !

Aint gonna say much, cause iit wont do much to help, but worst ii think ?
After recess ii feel much better, really ~ Cause 501 cheers my day up ! Hah ~
With jokes & disturbiing of teacher, dat's enough to make me smile, really (:

Schs end at 1pm, and had lunch breaks ! Nth much, jus slacking around bbt shop ~
Back to sch, had interview from th newspaper ! Topic iis abt Sch's bully, hah ~
GuanLeong is our "Boss" ! Was kinda fun, and next Wed our video will be uploaded !
Do stay tune ppl, ! do visit next Wednesday, you'll see our funny speech ~

Alright ! Im done with today's post ~ Sorry readers, ii dont feel well, at all, sorry ~