Monday, March 16, 2009

(dont let go your hand, my dear ?)

Sorry for not posting some facts I should be posting :x Haha, the weekends was a good one ! But, I posted rubbish ~ Haha . Okayokay, sat went to Bedok ShengSong for shopping on steamboat ingredient ! Well, headed ther with Eve & BF plus Doris & Son . Haha, fun & interesting ~

Back home prepared those food, we bought prawn, alive you know !? Hahah, and 4 plus started eating till 6 plus :x Hahaha ! Then Adelyn, Jane & Shraon came . Well, korkor room become childcare center, hahaha ~ Poor GJH, gotta entertain them ! Well, big thanks again :x Cause if not the kids gotta fight over the PSP & DS uhs . Till 7 plus, they went back home . Hahah ~

And nthg much happen le :x Sunday meet XGBFF & Limhwee . Headed to Bugis, together with 2 brother too . zZz ! Suppose to go shopping please ~ But, drag till 3 plus then reach Bugis ~ Headed to Seafood Harvest for lunch ? Total 5 people, $95 . Worth ? Not bad ba :x

Bought total of 5 clothes, but it's not shiok at all ~ Cause it's like me walking alone shopping, cause they didnt bother me :x Lalalala, meet Mommy for dinner ! Then GJH & korkor came along too . Dinner, back home ! Today working was tired and bored ~ Cause Shirley didnt come !

Bored to death please ! AND AND AND, that guy is seriously very very irritating please ~ He can, suddenly stand up during production, and smile at me ! OHMY ~ Seriously pervert :x Hahaha . Im scare of him la ! @#$%^&*

And Im back home before 10pm ! Hahaha ~ Watch Perfect cut, and last ep is this coming friday uhs . Ohmy ~ And tmr Im working half day again ! Haha, cause Im going back to EVS to collect my Olvl cert uhs . Hahah ~ Together with ? Dont knw :x Hahaha ~ Okayokay, then im off to sleep now ! Cause Im tired, byeeeeeeeee .


T.A.G.S.R.E.P.L.Y.S !

XGBFF: Why ley ley ley ley ley ! I SAW YOU TODAY . I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu !
- Hahaha, I saw you on sunday too ! Miss you :(

?? : sometimes relationship is all about enjoyment if relationship is such a misery indicates on ur blog.... Be a nun or monk in future ....
- hahah, not funny kays idiot -.- ! you be monk ah ? Okay de !