Except for th blackblack cat ! Fcuk :x
Early iin th morniing ! Made us madd ~~
@!#$%">!#$%* ~~ sososo scary lahhhs !
Me , Simin , Xingan , Madeline && Jolene ~
5 mad girls scare dao jump up th table -.-
Then only Char , Angela && Wanyan nt scare !
Luffs* Anywae , quiickly hiide iin to schh after dat :x
Lesson was alriites ! Chemiistry had Pratical (:
Funfunfun ! Those experiiment was amaziing :x
Had recess quiite late ~~ Cos was iin classroom .
Zhiijiie colled mii ! Hohohohos ~ Jus to diisturb -.-
Nvm (: Then jiu hadd physiic lesson , was fiinefiine !
Sociialstudiies was as usual , copycopycopy ~ Luffs*
Then Geography was , nt liisteniing ! Cos dont wan to :x
After schh as usual , bubble tea shopp ~ Slack , Chats !
Exchangedd bag wiif heiiheii , no diifference lahhs ~~
Jus dat miine iis more heaviier :x Luffs* He was kiind enuff (:
Bus home wiif Xingan && Auggy ~ Lols ! Stomachh damndamn paiin .
It hadd been occuriing for th whole day ~ Siighs*
Home , Slp , Eat ~ && now usiing Computer (:
Jus nw receiivedd ytd's photo alrdy ! Damn funny ~
Jasmiine msq mii andd wantedd to giimmiie present !
Hohohohos ~ For my birthday (: Thks Girl ♥♥
Hmmms , ii've made my deciisiion , Siighs* Liisten ..
Hope you will understand Girls ? I'm nt copiing well .
Or rather , ii cnt cope at all . Sorry to ps you !
Off for teveee liiaooos ~~~ updateeeeed (:
PS : Pancake iis ohh-soo lovedd D:
