Saturday, June 28, 2008

Back postiing ! Today was oh-so fiine uhs ? Sunny day ;DD
Wake up around 9am, damn early yea? Use Dad's laptop !
Use till half way, then ii realiise Mom iis sleeping, nt working :x
Laughhs** Told zhong && he said iim lik, slow -.- Fuck you ~~

Goiing 201 to meet bro, then going popular ! Buying 801 Physics book ~
&& maybe some statiionary too ? Laughs* Gonna be a boring day !
Cause wiith a phone, dat cant even msg, call ! Become a mp3 alrdy -.-

At night going to Kallang thr for dinner ! With dad's friiend, laughhs*
Ytd he calledd me, ask me whether today wanna dinner at Kallang ~
Then ii was lik, huh, anything lohs ~ Laughhs** Gonna take many zilian photo :x

Donedonedone ! Done with today's post ~ Fiinally, photo iis uploaded ;DD
Love to take photos, especiially when iim down ! Photo hides everything ?
Perharps bahhs ? Off to prepares liiaos, byeeeee ! Mom mood = not gd :x

{edited on 9.00pm}
Back postiing alrdy ! Laughs* Meet bro at 201, eat lunch ! Saw 7th aunt ;DD
Then happen to saw xiaogu&boiboi ! Pei her eat, then went to inter together ~
Mom went to do some banking, left us walking around ~~ ohmyytiian ahh, laughs* !

Bought 2 PoloTees, 1 shirts, 3 assement book & sch shoe ! Laughhs* Over $ 100 ?
I bought th most things today, && Mom jus buy for me ;D Thks Mom ! Only me :x
Then went home, try out on those shirts ii bought ! Can wear :x Laughhs*
Ohhyahh, ii thiink ii saw my Ex.pri friend? But she doesnt rmb me le bahs..

Didnt went to Kallang for dinner ! Laughs* too tiired, ii swear :x 9am wake up !
Rotting in my room, dont noe wat to do. & I miss him, so much.. Siighs* Really ~
Anywae, bought my own dinner ~ Laughs* Ate KFC 2 piece chicken meal :x Laughs*

Alright alright ! done with update ;DD jiieet ! tmr 29, used to be a exciting day..
I hope it will be too ? Sighs* I still dont understand, wat do ii really want ?
