fiinally endedd ;D luffs* ytd didnt get to post !
cos went to mediiacorp ;DD was kiinda siiann -.-
blablabla ! schh was duper siiann , tiiredd :x
after schh went home andd do hmwk , luffs*
almost forget iim goiing to mediiacorp, paiisehh :x
then quiickly rush to prepare then meet angela.
dragdragdrag till aroundd 7pm then cabb thr !
lols ~ then th show startedd at 8pm, endedd at 9pm.
damn tiiredd ! cabbed home andd was soso ex lahhs :x
almost $16 ii tiink -.- two places , from TPY to Tampiines .
jiieeet ! reachh home jiiu knock out , damn tiiredd :x
today schhliing was boreddboredd ! charr diidnt come .
siiann ahhs ! Art lesson was gossippiing abt ppl :x
Siighs* soso diisspoiintiing lahhs ! aniiwae , ii drop art le .
jus haf to submiit a letter andd iim free from art :x
but still will be helpiing XY for her art :) soso rush siiohs !
maths lesson was ohh-so fiine ! ii got do hmwk ;D
andd then ss, ii forget to briing notes :x but also nvm ;D
Engliish went to AVT for lesson andd do summary agaiins -.-
then lunchh , MT. blablabla ! MT was finefinefine D:
after lesson, went home wiif Boy and went to prepare .
Off to 201 mac andd startedd studyiin wiif angela & madeliine .
soso cold lahhs , raiiniing Cats & Dogs :x damn heavy lohhs !
saw federiick andd startedd chattiings . Luffs* jiieeet ~
aroundd 6plus went home . lols ! damndamn cold :x
aniiwae , usedd computer andd was doiing nth else -.-
now goiing off to do otherr thiings ~~ byeeeeeeeeeeee D: