Monday, June 15, 2009

Feeling unwell ?

Heys ! Im back liaos ^^ Changed my skins too ! Okays, back posting about ytd ^^ Hmmm, that day went to SF house ~ Was talking and chatting, till around 4am then sleep ? Hahas . And wake up around 9am ? Cause the air-con is far too cold for me >.< ! Hahas, okok ~ Anyway, wait for Berlin to come and went to Compass Point . Shopping and walking around after we had finished our Subway ! Hahahs, around 4 plus leave ther and off we go for swimming ! Hahas, think it's more like a phototaking session :x Berlin brought her camera and marine pack ^^ Was taking photos on water, and inside water too >.< ! Hahahs, damn damn fun ~
Okay, swim till around 6plus bahs ? Went to bath and the queue was really kinda long siahs ~ Hahas, so bath together with Berlin & SF :x Okay, and ate Mac for dinner ! Damn shiok, and Ice Cream cone too ^^ Hmm, headed off to SF house back then ~ 6th Aunt was there too ! Anyway, headed off to Rivervale shopping mall and went to Kimage for a haircut ~ Hahas, only cut my fringe ! And it's lik for $5.60 ? Hmmm, anyway ! Headed back to SF house again ~ They were eating KFC ! And around 10 plus Berlin send me home ^^
Okays ! Today woke up around 10 plus ? Use computer, blablabla ~~ And around 11 plus, went to downstair for breakfast ? Hahas, dont knw is breakfast or lunch lehs >.< ! Anyway, headed back home and was still using computer ! Hahah ~  And, I have to do notes now ^^ If not, I'll be lagging down ! Hmmm ~ I've been watching 18JBJ from ytd ! Hahas, from morning EP 5 watch till now is EP 11 ! Chiong siahs me >.< Okay, today no work ! Tmr, I dont knw about it ? We shall see then ? Hmm, is my blog boring people ? If yes, please tag me to say please ! Okay, this is my hair afer cutting ~ Nthg much ^^ Bye !