Thursday, February 14, 2008


back from adamkhoo programs ! lols ~ damn siiann .
falliinq aslp uu noe !? ndd only half of th class came -.-
nvm , better concentratiions ? lols ! was soso cold lahhr .
thks han for lendiinq mii ur warmwarm jacket ;D
was stoniiinq iin th SAC from 8am till 5pm , boriiinq !
duriinq break , took photos ndd chiitchat , still boredd ~~
hadd nth to do , so hadd to liisten to th talks . lols !
iim awake lahhr , deciidedd to workhard for lst year ;D
soso tiiriinq , but no choiice ii guess ? bobiianns ahhr !
study shdd be th only solutiions ii suppose ? lols ~~
learnt to tolarate ndd get away from diistractiions . lols ..
aniiwae , playedd game dat was quiite meaniinqful lahhr .
made some of us anqry , but at least iit`s worth iit ;D
tmrr hafiinq workshop , siiann siiahh ! dao 5pm -.-
but at least , iit helps ii to waste th half of th day .. lols !
cos tmr , iis jus a normal day to meeeeeeee ~~~~~~~~
nthh muchh gonna chanqe , or rather , NTH WILL CHANGE ..
off to work hardd liiaoos :x do miiss mii uhhs peepls !

Don`t come near mii ,
iim not Dat stronq x) !