Yes, this is how my room looks like now ! Laugh, super messy right ? I know I know ~ Im gonna pack soon I think ? And, packed disc today ! Last minute decision, to sell those disc away to Cash Converter, hahaha ~ So me & kor packed those unwanted disc, and quite alot I guess ? Laugh, 3 bags of disc ! DVDs, CDs & my taiwan drama, all selling away ~ I sold "The Love Book" which I watch few weeks ago, & even "Rolling Love" ! All those 5566 album, Cyndi & even Sylvester's album was sold too :x Headed to Bedok interchange, bought this "Camera" bag for $10, haha ! Went to Long John for dinner ! *thumbs up* Super nice, I dont know why ~ Maybe that cashier guy is in love with me, *giggles* ! Kinda nonsense har :x Headed back to tamp, trying to find Samsung ST500's camera cover, dont have ! Any kind soul help me check it out ? Laugh, tmr I might be rotting home ? If that's the case, I'll pack my room & I sure will take photos again xD Oh, help ♥ with his shade ! It's done :D He's gonna say thanks lot to me ~