Yeahh ! Im back already :DD Had a super long day out ytd ! A enjoyable one too :D Laughs*
Meet up with Ervin & Yvonne ~ Ervin was late ! So he treated the both of us drinks xD Funny ~
And yups, went walking around Suntec City ~ Laughing and joking around ! Took photos too .

Till around 5 plus Des came along too ! Headed to eat KFC for dinner ~ And, walk around again !
Took quite alot alot of photos . Just posted some nicer one ! Cause kinda troublesome xD
In and out of esplanade, and nearby ! The scenery was really nice, and of cause we took photos ~
Actually wanted to go clubbing, but Ervin still not age ! And, our attire is so in-appropriate xD
Couldnt think of whr to go... Sit around, trying to waste time away ! But still, it's early !

10pm, no where else to go ! Decided to go home, but when we get in the platform, change our mind again ~
Last minute decided to go Kbox ! Yup, took MRT to cineleaisure then ~ Big thanks to the guys :D
Me & Yvonne kinda broke already :x So, the guys helped us pay for the Kbox fees ! Thanks mannn !
Ask bout the Part-Time job, and they are hiring ! Filled up form, and interview at the next day 8pm ~

Sing till 6am ! Took the first train back home, everyone was so damn tired already man, sleepy look ~
Thanks Deston for sending me home :DD ! And we chatted quite alot ~ This and that, him & her xD
All the way till my house, ate breakfast at the coffee shop nearby ! More energetic, but still tired ~
Back home, right away went to sleep ! Till 12pm, the air-con man is too noisy & I cnt sleep !

Prepared myself and went to Tamp with Mommy & Didi ! Mommy disallow me working in Kbox ~
Kinda sian-ed ! But, I have the Guardian job already . So, nvm bah ? She's worried I guess, Laughs .
Bought 3 white tees, some needed for working tmr ! Im gonna work 4pm till 11pm I think ? Woohoos !
Finally I gets to work . I wonder how is it like to work in Guardian ? And, Im abit scare xD
But nvm ? I'll be able to see Yang tmr :DD Working together, I wonder how is it like ? Laugh !
Off to sleep, Im sneezing away cause I dont have enough sleep ! Bye my readers :DD