Thursday, May 29, 2008

iim back from my greatgreat day ! haaas ~~
hmmms, morniing wake up andd went to prepare !
althought iis annii, still haf to go for coachiing~ hurhurs !
meet Baby and then walk to schh ;DD luffs* was diisturbiing hiim,
haaaas ! funfun, ndd Baby iis soso cute ;DD hmmm,
went to voiid deck andd look for th rest ! as usual, late for class agaiin :x
haaas ~~ hmmms, engliish lesson 1st, jiieeet !
Mr frannciis Teo was thr too, luffs*
was shocked when he suddenly appear behiind me andd colledd for my name -.-
attendannce takiing ! haaas ~ cheys ! okok, then went for breaks,
luffs* ate half-boiiledd egg ! Baby help me to open, thks Baby <333
Cant iimagiine w/out Baby besiide me :( haaaas ~ okok,
then went back to schh, late agaiins ! haaas ~ viinay mahhs,
iits okayy ~~ late nvm dehhs ! then Baby went home, miiss miss miss :x
diid some maths qns, and was totally lost cans !?
thks Yang for hiis ans && explanatiion ;DD andd MrViinay too !
okok, took hiis number andd gonna ask hiim iif ii dont noe how to do !
haaas ~ went out andd saw Xingan at coffee shop, ii miiss her super much !
haaas ~ chattiing andd she's super funny ! she eat LonganIce, my fav !
haaaas ~ promiise to meet soon Xingan ! thn meet Baby, he changedd clothes liiaoos ~~
Bus-edd home wiith mama andd Baby went to my house waiit for me get channge !
haaas ~ then went to 201, peii Baby eat, ohhmyy !
saw so many of Baby's ex workiing ppl, damn paiisehhs !
lucky Baby's mum went home alrdy ~ haaas ! heng :x hmmm,
then bus-edd to dwntown, E-hub ! haaas ~ took neopriints wiith Baby,
ohhmyys ! he's supersuper cute cans !? haaas ~ dont noe wat pose to put :x
luffs* supersuper blur de Baby ! haaas ~ hmmms, saw Razmeer, Khairul && Xinyi !
haaas ~ disiturbiing one another andd was duper funny !
they were goiing to bowliing center, haaas ! diidnt noe whr to go,
so went to bowliing center andd fiind them lohhs ! they play dao super cute ~
haaas ! then went to eat pastamaniia ! haaas ~ Baby's duper cute !
Dont noe why, everythiing he do iis super cute ;DD haaaas ~
then went to beachh andd startedd chattiing ! till 7pm :x haaaas ~
was sayiing all our 心事 and our 真心话 ! Baby, sorry iif ii've hurt you iin th past,
iim sorry ! ii promiise ii wont do those silly thiings agaiins, k ?
andd Baby, rmb wat ii've saiid. Think carefully wat you wants,
then go for iit, haomahhs ? ii wont leave you alone Baby <33
ii will change for th better :x any miistake mus say k?
iim 17 liiaos hors, haaaas ! okok, then went home, duper duper tiiredd !
chattiing lik free liiddat ~ keep chat chat chat, but ii love iit !
at least Baby tells me wat he's thinkiing, and even iif ii cnt help,
at least ii liisten to hiim, hors Baby? haaas ! && my Baby crys ~
hurhurs, dont worry Baby, everythiing gonna be fiine k ?
told Baby some solutiions andd ii, myself end up teariing :x
haaas ! but iit's okkayy Baby ~~ at least we noe abt each other stuff,
yeas ? haaas ! tmrr morniing gonna meet Baby for sch agaiins,
cos ii wanna peii Baby more ! He's gonna work soon, siighhs*
iim gonna miiss you super super badly Baby ! hurhurs ~~
but nvm, ii will spare my tiime for you andd meet you dehhs !
even iit's jus for a diinner, iit's enuff alrdy Baby ~
at least ii get to see you (: haaaas ! okok, gonna rush to slp liiaoos,
byeeeeeeee ~ ILOVEYOU, BABY <33

Guiiguii : luffs* hafiing coachiing these few days ! so abit busy ;DD meet up soon !
Charmaiine : xiiexiie mama ;DD <33
Evon : Luffs* yahhs, hafiing coachiing these holiidays ;DD workiing hard on studiies ~
Nicholas : haaaas! how come? nvr work or sch? haaaas ~~
Huiiyu : Xingan, rest assuredd ii will keep you update on myself ! you too pls ;DD haaas !