Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rot ?

Heys ! Im back here again ~ Hahas, ytd didnt post cause nthg much happen bahs ? Ytd wake up around 9 plus bahs . Use computer till around 1 plus, went downstair for lunch with Jiahan . Hahas, after that headed back home . Watch 18JBJ again, damn nice alright ^^ Anyway, around 4 plus went to bath then . And XGBFF came looking for me ! Hahas, how sweet of her to bring Salmon sushi for me ^^ Hahas, thanks my dear girl !

Chatted with her for quite long ! Hahas, about this and that lahs ~ Alot more ! Hahas ~ After that headed to 201 and meet Jimson >.< ! Im late :x Gerald is more even late ~ His paddles is damn cool mans ! Hahas, and im sure if her buy his own he'll protect it like precious ! Anyway, had dinner at 201 and slack awhile . Hmmm, then walk home after that . Then, do notes ^^ Hahas, Im so into notes now ! Hahas, im still at chapter 4 only ~ 7 more to go, jiayou ^^ Hahahs !

Hmm, I suspect im gonna lose my job soon >.< ! Cause the boss keep ask me to off off off ~ And I last work is on the last Friday -.- ! Hmmm, hack it lahs ~ If no work, I'll do notes & exercise then ! Today Im going to exercise ^^ With cousin to the Bedok Reservoir ! Jogging, hahaha ~ Okayokay, now im off to eat lunch liaos ! So so hungry ~ Im going on diet liaos, no more often fast food for me ! Save money also ~ Byeeeeee !