Hey ! Im back :x Today pon NWT lesson, which is the test Im gonna have tmr >.< ! Well, kinda give up le anyway ~ Okay, meet Jim & Ger at Interchange Mac for breakfast again ! I already had Mac Breakfast for 2 mornings :x Anyway, took bus 10 to East Coast ! In the end, missed the stop & took cab there instead ~ Hahas, reach thr and rent the bike ther !
Rent for 3 hours, $6 dollars ! Hahah ~ Okay, ride around East Coast ! Kinda shiok, like long time nvr go cycling liaos ^^ Okay, the sun is so so hot ! And, the wind is damn damn small >.< Hahaha, riding till 2 plus then return the bike liaos ! Walk to Bus 16 bus-stop, quite a distance ~ Haha, bus to Bedok interchange . Then took bus 38, acc Jim back to school for S&W lesson ~ And, left with Ger to Tampines Interchange . He went to meet his friend, while I wait for MrWongSheanYang to come :x
Haha, like really long long time didnt meet this guy liao ahs ! Chatting all the way, till food court . Saw YongXiang ! Hahas, didnt realise he saw me from level 2 to level 5 ~ Anyway, ate Fish Sliced Noodles ! And chatting chatting ~ Walk around Tampines Mall, Century Square & Tampines One ! Seriously got nthg better to do, but just to waste time away ~ Okay, and this kind man help me to carry bag ^^ Send me home too, Big big thanks to Yangyang !
Laughs, tell you what ? Tmr Im having NWT test, and today I went out to play ! Hahah, seriously I will fail badly badly badly ~ Cause, firstly I didnt listen to teacher teaching during lesson ! Secondly, I pon his lesson for about 5 times ? Like long time nvr see till that teacher le >.< Even if he gives tips, I wont need it ! Cause I dont understand at all ~ Okay, thirdly ! I tried to study, but nthg went in ~ So, TOO BAD ! Okay byeeeeeeeeeeee ^^ I ENJOYED TODAY ALOT !