Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Hais ?

Im back posting again ! Laughs ~ Yazi did treat me dinner uhs ! Laughs, thanks mrDUCK ~ Hmmm, then went to 445 to look for the rest for slacking ~ Around 11 plus, went back home together with GJH . Walk home and talk nonsense on the way, laughs ! Next monday we would be going out to buy his uniform, and my extra set of PoloTees ! After that gonna buy necessary things for school reopen, laughs ~

Okayokay, and yesterday went to work uhs . Nthg much, but my stomach is seriously getting worst ! Super pain and went to toilet but it's kinda useless ? Well, work till around 9pm and knock off ! Laughs . Took bus 3 with Robin and meet SeowLiang at Downtown . 3 of us headed to look for MrGerald ! Ate Subway, and start to plan for the Coming chalet on 7April to 9April ! Okay, the discussion is totally, zZzZzZz ~~ Getting to nowhere ! And Im quite tired, so didnt give much comment ~

Waited for Albert to join us, and he look better after he do smthg to his hair . Laughs ! Okayokay, this 3 guys acc me home . Robin, Albert & Seowliang ! Thanks uhs ~ Reach home bath and then knock out ! Today didnt went to work, the stomach is seriously giving me trouble ! I cnt walk fast, cnt sit well . And I cnt do alot of things ! Most imptly, I cnt shit out ~ Laughs ! Okay, and Im lazy to go out . Should I meet Gerald & co. for Dinner ? Still thinking uhs ~~ Tmr 2nd last day, die die also must go work ! Byeeeeeeeee ~