Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ungrateful, F*CK !

Morning woke up @ 6.30am, zZz ! Tired.....
Prepared and went to 107 for breakfast !
After that help to move the things, then waited ~
From 9 plus waited till 10 plus, finally go off !
Prayed Grandpa, headed to 'picnic' area, start to eat ~
Then went to Mandai & prayed XSG . Stoned there !
And was chatting with cousins, gathering session uhs :x

On the way back to Grandma house, took a nap !
Super tired and tired ! 6plus headed home alrdy ~~
Poor me, cnt wash my head for today ! Tmr I can wash le ~
Laughs* Finally uhs ! But, like not so straight ?
Hmmm, jus now went to takeaway food, saw Zhaowei :D
Chat awhile, goodbye and see him tmr :x Laughs*

Alright, ate dinner & have a tiff with BigBro -.-
Ask him can I use computer after I dinner, he say yes .
I come in to room, he say wait I watch finish show .
2 more song, I was like, -.- ! He started to attitude ~
Saying me bueysong la, this and that ! Whatever ~
He threw attitude at me by pushing bed loudly,
slam the door, and I kick the chair lor :x Laughs*
He walk back and shout at me, I ignore him !
And he got worst, shout louder and say me ABC,XYZ :x

Hello, I bought dinner for you . Or rather, I pay !
And this is what I get back, whathhells ? Ungrateful ~
You think you're older and you can give me attitude ?
As you wish, dream on ! Think everyone gonna give in ?
No way, not as if you are the king or what so ever !

Alright, done with my grambling :x Laughs* BYEEEEEEE !
Tmr schooling, ohmygod ! Finally uhs ~ Meeting XY & DUCK .
I wonder how's ITE life uhs ? Haha, Bro(Gerald) is sick !
Take care my dear Bro ! We gotta meet soon alright :D

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