Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Something to do with Love ?

Yang snap me while we are studying together, laughs*
alright, good morning everybody ! Im awake, kinda late :x
ytd ii made auggy angry :( Sorry, but we are fine now, haha !
He's really great man ! Thanks for being so forgiving, xiexie :D

Anyway, walk home with simin&auggy. around 11pm then home ~
Kor was playing mahjong with his friends -.- went to bath, then slp.
Btw, ytd's chemistry was kinda alright ah ? Cause quite ok maaa.
Came out those protons, electrons, & molar mass all these, haha.
But ii studied some like hell, yet none of it came out, damn it -.-

Anyway, it's over laaa ! Laughs* Today will be having English paper !
Having exams till 6.40pm -.- damn laa, then dinner @ coffee shop.
Together with Cliques ~ Hahahah, iim soso sick now :( Weak laa !
Having 2 ulcers in my mouth, making me speak like an alien -.-
Cant speak properly la dey ! Ohhmyy, sadded pleasee ~ Fuck it __ !
Today must eat porriage liiao, cause really very pain ahhs ! haha .

Okay, iim done with the post ! Abit late le now :x
Going prepare lee (: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Then ii realise, human are so selfish .
Yea ? Watever it is, they are jus so selfish .

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