Friday, April 04, 2008


Hohohohos ! Back postiing liiaoos (: Oh-so siianns !
Schhliing was super Great today ! Hohohos ~
Except for th stupiid activity duriing assembly -.-
Haf to close all door , seal all window , AGAINS !
Is super-uber hot uu noe !? I diid sweat (:
Luffs* Supersuper wet ! Cos veryvery hot lahhs !
Alriites then , went for MT lesson , funfun :D
As usual , love beiing late ! Luffs* Took photos (:
Piics will be loadedd soon , wiif vannessaYeo !
Took wiif Jasmiine , Duck , Char , Mad && XiiaoLiiangLaoShi :x
I'll get th piictures asap froom Vannessa (: Damn funny !
Then hadd Engliish lessoon , went to liibrarryy ~~~ Hohohos !
Duper shuang , cos duper hot uu noe !? Library iis heaven :x
Borrowedd 2 books usiing Angela's ez-link cards , thks Girl (:
Btw , go ! It's Great :D
Okok , back to topiics :x After schh was soso boredd ! Siighs*
Saw zhaoweii wiif hiis Friiends (: No comment ! Lols ~~
Went home and after dat went to Xingans house around 4 plus .
Ohhmyys ! Both of us were siimply INSANE luhhs ;DDD
Luff Luff Luff * Jus lik some mad Girls , But it's fiine !
We enjoyedd mahhs ! Luffs* Sharedd storiies and Chats !
Thks Xingan , I'm much better . Althought it's nt solved !
It's fiine (: I reallyreally ThkYou ! You are really really Great (:
Aroundd 9pm went home andd now surfiing Nets ;DD
andd tmrr iis .......... FRIDAY ! Hohohohohos ~ I Love Tmr (:
Is my Rest Day -.- Luffs* I suppose iim stayiing at home ?
Shall see then ! Hmmmms , iim soso vexed abt some stuffs ~
Somebody come ask mii wat happen plssss ~ SIGHS*
Btw , Yang iis Siick ! Hurhur ~ Tkcare ahh (: Don Worry !
I will try to fiind ur Grass WITHOUT Grass ASAP :DDD
Lastly , Junkiiat Scan tiis for miiiiii -.-
Taaaaaaaa-daaaaaaaaa ! Luffs* Pls (:

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