Omg, today's time pass so damn slow I must say......... It's only 5.30pm now, terrible :( One more hour to end work, and finally Tuesday ends ! Tonight, chicken wing rice I guess :D Long time never eat already ~ And, today mood damn down.... Cos tired max ! Went for damn early lunch at 1230pm till 2pm ~ So headed to Somerset, walking around just to waste the time away ! But the moment we're back to office, tired max again..... Well well well, tmr gotta work one more day and my long weekends will come :D ! Ohman, seriously dozing off and sleepy man... I confirm will rest my eyes on train & MRT ! Done updating, anybody reading ?
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Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Morningggggggg ! Tuesday already ~ Well, time pass fast yesterday ! Srsly, let's hope today's time pass this fast too ~ Meet Baby for dinner last night @ Tamp Mall ! Headed to ARTBOX awhile, and knew that the QH has been sacked ~ Hahah, OHBEGOOD ! She damn daring la, quarrel with supervisor, still request to call boss to negotiate -.- Should have sacked her earlier ! Laugh, SY was telling me bout her thing and I was like keep laughing ~ Thursday im having offday @ SingTel, so im gonna work full day @ ARTBOX with JY ! Hahaha, hope it will be like fun ah :D Kinda tired now, cos I didn't have a good sleep for the past 2 nights :( Let's hope I will sleep well tonight, hope ! Done done, now on the way to work le, zZzZz.........
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Monday, November 01, 2010
Dingdong ! Monday blue ~~ Currently having my breaktime ! As usual, early lunch :D Finished the monitoring & 1245pm so went for break ~ Having wanton mee at cineleasuire now, and the queue is like damn long ? Okay I'm damn sian ! Today the guys didn't came to work cos they work midnight shift last night ~ And Ohya, I'm meeting Baby for dinner tonight :DD ! That's all, shall update later or something ? Bye !
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Short update before I head to sleep ok ? Off day today, and Baby came over to meet me ! Sweet isn't it ? Laugh, went for lunch at house downstair, headed back home and watch American Pie 4 ! Well, kinda great to 'nua' at home with your loved one on your off day actually :D Hmmm, was about to go down to buy dinner but Korkor helped us to buy ! Yup, so we ate KFC again :D Watching Harry Potter on channel 5 again, srsly no show to watch on tv man ! Around 930pm, baby headed home :( Hate this moment when we bid goodbye ! But well, we gonna meet on either Tuesday or Wednesday for dinner ~ And Friday he's coming over to stay ! Great isn't it ? Best of all, Saturday we're heading to Underwater world + Dolphin Lagoon :D Wish this silly guy enjoy his 20th birthday ! Okay done, tmr gonna wake up @ 630am, nights :)
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Saturday, October 30, 2010
Back posting again.... 3rd post today, kinda bored so I keep posting and posting ! Well, Elson changed his timing with me :DD So I can go dating with Baby ! Hahaha, ok I'm gonna watch show now, byeeeeeeeeee :D
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I'm back ! Hahaha ~ Currently ay SingTel Comcenter (my workplace) ! Doing nothing man, we are like watching Harry Potter from channel 5, chit chatting and slacking -.- ! Went to fairprice just now to buy those snacks ~ Cos when I got nothing to do, I'll eat eat eat xD ! Well well, gotta wait for hours and hours to chase the contractor to clear the tickets all these, zZz ~ All because of the damn soccer ! Omg, I'm working on 6 nov next week, I can't afford to work pls ! Cos I'm gonna help my dear boy to celebrate his 20th birthday :D Jimson last min can't change with me, and now I'm asking Elson for help.... Hope he can help me !
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Well well ! I found this apps to post my blog using my iPhone :D Okay, I'm now waiting for train heading to Somerset for my 1st BPL (Soccer Match)'s shift @ SingTel ! I hope I won't be late, cos I'm meeting Pohlee & Peiyi 430pm to buy snacks ~ But I'm still at tamp ! Anyway, gonna work till 1am tonight..... Wish me luck !
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Friday, July 23, 2010
Ohman, childish =.=
Got photo got photo le ! Well , skipped today's lesson due to laziness :D Hahaha , and today's my off day ~ I'll be working working working all the way till August ! And I haven see my schedule for next month yet , hope it's a good one ? But anyway , Baby's off day is my off day too ! Told the supervisor already ~ And finally I can sleep later today ! But woke up at 9am , trying to jailbreak my itouch ~ Ohman , seriously not easy ! Well , restored the itouch for quite a few time . But still , I fail to jailbreak ~ Give up & packed up my room ! My room is like so dusty, maybe that's the reason why Im sneezing when Im home ? Laughs , and changed my bedsheet too !
Anyway, meet up with this Silly guy of mine ! He came over my house , and both of us took bus 17 to Bedok for dinner ! Well , was alighting the bus & this "Bitch" is rushing her way out when I cant even see the floor and my leg was like in the air ~ So I step onto her leg , and she stare at me ! I apologise , but she's scolding me "F*ck" behind me ~ Damn it , BITCH ! Should have stepped harder man ! Anyway , we ordered quite a few things & table beside us which have more than 2 people , eat lesser than us ~ Laugh , super super full I swear ! Headed back home & take photo ~ Long time didnt take photo , right Baby ? Oh , tmr Im working full day shift , 10am - 10pm ! Ohman , I hope time pass fast ? And Baby's coming over to stay tmr , he'll be fetching me from work ♥ Alright , Im done with update !
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Hello ! Im sure my views in nuffnang drop dramatically ! Due to my "not often" update , am I right ? But well , Im so sorry man ! I've been busy with school , work , school , work ! I dont even really have to time to spend time with Baby often anymore ~ And Im back to post something short ! Well , had been working after school for the past few weeks (money money come in!) ~ Ohya, I must say , I really do enjoy working ! HOWEVER, Im feeling super super tired every morning I wake up :c ! Okay , 5th Month Anniversay with Baby was a great one ! This silly guy , bought me a jacket , as a suprise , THANKYOU ♥♥ ! Went for movie marathon ! Watched Despicable Me & Inception , both movie were really nice , worht to watch , really :D And , later Im having WMMC case studies Presentation ! Kinda scary :x But , finally it's coming to an end , FINALLY HAR ^^ Okay Im done , the lesson is ending soon ! & my presentation is reaching, OMG (✖╭╮✖)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Day in school with ♥ !
Back to update with some photos :))) Last Friday went XGBFF's house, & meet up with Yazi too ! He's seriously funny, & I guess he hate us TTM sometime :DD I think we only talk to him this way, in the whole wide world ~ Anyway, Saturday & Sunday meet up with Baby after his work for dinner ! Was searching for his Mother's present, he bought a GUESS wallet for her ~ Laugh, anyway ! Monday, skipped 1st lesson & meet Baby to school :))
School was really great with Baby ! It seems like, the world school only have the 2 of us :D Laugh, school ends around 4pm ? Went Tampines Mall, bought Baby's Dad present ! He spent more than $100 for his parent's birthday present ~ Anyway, had Subway for dinner & off I went to work ! Quite tiring day I must say :(((
And off day for today ! I gotta work again on Thursday ~ Tmr gonna acc Baby to meet his Mom, to pass her the present ! Im tagging along, cos I want to see her expression, *Laughs* ! And, Baby's coming over to stay on Thursday :D Friday, we're heading out to date ! It's our 5th month anniversary by the way :)) Im done updating, maybe I'll update on Saturday ?
Thursday, July 08, 2010
We'll prove them wrong (:
I'm finally home ! Back from this great and tired day of mine ~ Woke up and checked bout last night's soccer match ! OMG, GERMANY LOSE !? Quite, disappointed ~ But well, I shouldn't be so into this thin call soccer right ! But I'm abit interested these few days ! Anyway, had elective lesson this morning & I'm the first to finish the lab ! *PROUD* And, did lab again at WMMC's lesson ! Quite fun, but the air con is seriously very the cold ~ End school at 12 plus, self-declare ! Skipped S&W, hahahaha :x Back home prepared myself & headed off to Tampines's Hokkaido Food Fair ! I'm seriously addicted to those food over there ~ Queue for the Butter Manju, super damn nice ! It's a must to buy ^^ After that, bought the squid stuffed with rice, damn nice too ! So took bus 72 to Hougang, and was eating those stuff on the bus ~ We are too hungry ! Went Baby's house, till 6 plus ?

Went Compass Point and meet up with his mother, his sister tag along too ! Trying to find a place to dine and, but they have to consider me :x Cos I don't take spicy, and no veggie for me, plus I'm having ulcer now ! Kinda paiseh, and in the end we went for Pizza Hut ^^ A super nice dinner with them, they are humorous I must say ! Chatting just like normal friends ! Anyway, it's a treat from Baby's mother ~ Went walking around, till 9 plus ? Took 27 back to Tamp, and change to 28 ! I'm almost done with my updates ~ Tmr's weekend ! Great for me, but sad for Baby :((( Cos he gotta work ! And tmr I'm going to school, so good nights ^^
Went Compass Point and meet up with his mother, his sister tag along too ! Trying to find a place to dine and, but they have to consider me :x Cos I don't take spicy, and no veggie for me, plus I'm having ulcer now ! Kinda paiseh, and in the end we went for Pizza Hut ^^ A super nice dinner with them, they are humorous I must say ! Chatting just like normal friends ! Anyway, it's a treat from Baby's mother ~ Went walking around, till 9 plus ? Took 27 back to Tamp, and change to 28 ! I'm almost done with my updates ~ Tmr's weekend ! Great for me, but sad for Baby :((( Cos he gotta work ! And tmr I'm going to school, so good nights ^^
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
School starts !
Dingdong ! I'm back to update bout my life again ~ Well, yesterday was the first day of school for every ITE student ! But not for me & baby... Both of us was sick, and skipped the school ! Took bus to Hougang, and meet up with Baby ~ He's coughing so terribly, ohmy ! And at the same time, I'm having a terrible flu ~ So both of us headed to Polyclinic, waited for hours just to see that doctor ~ And the consultant fee is so expensive ! But well, it's like no choice ? Back to Baby's house, took bag & then went dinner at Tampines Mall

Today headed school, first lesson was slacking already ! Chatting with the others ~ Ain't doing any work or something, laughs ! Everybody's first day to school, is today ~ Anyway, I haven get my pay man ! Supposely, it should be yesterday . But, i think POSB breakdown ? So, my pay isn't in yet.. Will it be in later after 2pm ? I hope so ahhh ! Alright, I'm done updating ^^ I still love school day !
Today headed school, first lesson was slacking already ! Chatting with the others ~ Ain't doing any work or something, laughs ! Everybody's first day to school, is today ~ Anyway, I haven get my pay man ! Supposely, it should be yesterday . But, i think POSB breakdown ? So, my pay isn't in yet.. Will it be in later after 2pm ? I hope so ahhh ! Alright, I'm done updating ^^ I still love school day !
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Helloooooo ! I'm finally back for this short update harrrrr ^^ Anyway, I have been busy working for the past few weeks ? I'm working at Tampines Mall'S ARTBOX ! I've seen quite a few familiar faces, and I somehow enjoy working over there ? I really don't have the time to post a proper post ~ But anyway, tmr in working full shift again ! And, after 4 days.... I FINALLY MEET TILL BABY !! Laugh, both of us had been busy with out work, and couldn't get to meet ~ And today, he's staying over at my house ^^ Next week, I'm starting school already ! I prefer school, so I could meet till baby everyday ~ I'm doneeee ! I promise, to update a proper post, someday ^^
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Movie w/ Baby & Avion !
Woke up at 10am, ohmygod, seriously very tired :((( Booked out the chalet, & headed off to Baby's house ! Till evening, headed back home & watched "The Legend Is Born: Ip Man" with Baby & his friend (Avion) ! First time went out with his friend, not so bad ? Meet up with Avion @ Ehub, then went to eat Chicken Rice ~ Nothing much ? The show is kinda nice, but perhaps not linked to IpMan & IpMan2 ! But overall, still a nice movieeeeeeee :D After movie, Avion took cab home ! While me & Baby, walk home from Pasir Ris ^^

When I told Baby Im fat, he will say this "Lalala~" !
Then I said, Baby Im talking to you ~
He will, "Har? What you say just now?" ~
Silly idiot guy, but I still love him ♥ !
When I told Baby Im fat, he will say this "Lalala~" !
Then I said, Baby Im talking to you ~
He will, "Har? What you say just now?" ~
Silly idiot guy, but I still love him ♥ !
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ervin's Bday :D
Was suppose to go down his chalet on Friday, but both Baby and I were working ! So, didn't went down ~ Headed over on the actual day instead ! Baby woke up early for me, hahahaha ;) He came over to my house, and we headed out with Mommy & didi ! Went searching for his present, and bought a branded wallet (Picard) for him :D It's shared among quite a few people, but anyway ! Headed down around 3 plus together with Baby :D Nothing much, chatting and laughing around ~ Waited for the buffet to come, and his family join too ! Was chatting all the way till night ~

Everyone was waiting for XGBFF & Jacky to come, so that we could cut the cake ! Laugh, they feel so guilty ~ Anyway, after cake as usual chatting again ! A simple birthday for him ? Comparing to my birthday, kinda different ! Stayed over at the chalet, with Baby, Yvonne & Ervin :D Four of us went 7eleven in the middle of the night, eating the packed food ! Back to chalet & chat again ~ Sleep at 4am !
Everyone was waiting for XGBFF & Jacky to come, so that we could cut the cake ! Laugh, they feel so guilty ~ Anyway, after cake as usual chatting again ! A simple birthday for him ? Comparing to my birthday, kinda different ! Stayed over at the chalet, with Baby, Yvonne & Ervin :D Four of us went 7eleven in the middle of the night, eating the packed food ! Back to chalet & chat again ~ Sleep at 4am !
Monday, June 21, 2010

Took bus back to Tampines Mall ! Last minute decision, decided to watch that movie ~ So bought the ticket 1st, headed back home first ! 1st time watching 3D movie w/ baby only ^^ Hahahaha ! But kinda wasted, cos we bought the ticket using the AXS machine ~ So the ticket is the receipt -.- ! Anyway, headed back home changed & wore jacket w/ us ~ Took bus 28 to Tamp interchange again, & took lot of photo again ! Someday someday, I shall print out all photos & put it in photo album, am I right ?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Anyway, this trip is to go praying at Malaysia's temple ! And seafood for both lunch & dinner ~ Most importantly, SHOPPING :D ! Hahaha, went to this temple & there's this relationship thingy for us to pray ~ Three of them appears to be so... You know you know ! And, kinda superstitious bout this kinda thing ~ All of us went to pray too, tie-ing ribbon on to the bridge too ! Well, no harm praying ma hor ? Laughs ~ Shopping was great ! Bought 1 jacket, 1 tank top & a shorts ~ Most importantly, I bought baby a black quarter pants he always wanted (●*∩_∩*●) ! HAHAHAH, touched right baby !?
Still I must say, it's a super tiring outing for us ! It's fun, but it will be more fun if baby tag along ~ Didn't really enjoyed much, cos baby's feeling unwell in S'pore ! How possible it is for me to enjoy, when he's suffering :( But well, bought him some delicate from there too ! He can only eat those, when he's feeling better ~ Hahaha, and eventually, we keep sleeping in the bus ! Our sleeping position is..... TERRIBLE ~ But well, tired ma, hor ! Laughs ~ Till evening, our dinner is still not settled yet ! Lots of people at the restaurant & we waited for super super long, zZz ~ By the time we reach S'pore, it's already 11pm ! Late right ? Cos of the stupid S'pore custom police officer ~ Wasting our time, holding back people for nothing -.- ! Totally Dog, bullshit ~
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I guess we went over too late, the shop is left w/ nothing much for us to eat ! So we only eat like, these few sushi ? Total bill of $30, should be quite alright I guess ~ Laugh, went interchange & bought a black socks for my shoe I bought earlier on ! Headed back home, baby sent me home & he called his dad to fetch him home ! Nothing much, as usual take photo again and again ~ I can't imagine one day, what if baby's not beside me ? Tell you, I'll be whining and whining to people around me ~
OHYA ! I'm currently working at ARTBOX @ Tampines Mall now ~ $5 per hour, quite little money I'm earning, but better than nothing right !? So, yesterday worked full shift, means 12pm - 10pm ~ Quite long hours, but still manageable ? For the whole day, the store only have me & my supervisor ~ She left me alone in the shop while she go off for break ! Quite relax, I could sms & twitter when she's not around ~ But, whenever she left me alone, I'm scare ! Scare people would ask me qns, which I dont know ~ Overall, it's quite cool working over there ! & the tee-shirt (uniform) there is cute, hahaha !
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
finally we both get to meet ! & go out on date, hahahaha ~ waited for this guy to wake up, & it's around 1 plus ? silly boy, lied to me saying that he missed bus, still on the way ! but when didi knock on my door, he appears infront of me, super sweet laaaa ♥ so both of us went prepared & this time round, baby dont let didi follow ! reason is : bcos it's our anniversary ~ hahaha ! my baby was really sweet & great on that day, hor ? anyway, was kinda vexed bout what to wear on that day ~ cos i haven wash my clothes ! but thanks to baby, i wore that clothes of mine w/ smthg which somehow suit ?
mrt-ed to bugis ! there's this uncle in the mrt, facing us at 1st ~ but after awhile, he turn aways ! i think bcos we.. are too sweet xD ! reached bugis, well ~ not so much people i guess ? decided to go iluma's empire state, 1st time going there ! anyway, both us look stupid taking photo w/ flash in the restaurant :x total bill, $60.60 ! i paid only $15, thank you baby for the treat ♥ went bugis street, baby insist on buying smthg for me ! but in the end, i didnt buy anything ~ however ! i got myself a bad scratch on my leg, i think that girl did it on purpose ~ baby got so pissed by her, keep looking back, silly but cute ♥
mrt-ed back home around 11 plus ? & baby stayed over at my houseeee ♥ as usual, sleep at "late" night ! cook things to eat, tgther w/ didi & it's a super tiring day for us ~ anyway, thank you baby for being such a great baby ! treating me like a princess, pamper me like nobody would, care for me like im his only precious ~ thank you baby, i love you alot :D
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