Monday, March 30, 2009

ITE life ?

HELLOS ! Im back to post again ~ Laughs ! Okayokay ~ Sunday Im suppose to repair my mp4 I think :x But ! I went to the wrong place -.- Hahaha ~ Im suppose to go to Plaza Singapura ! But, I went to Funan IT Mall ~ Which takes me the whole afternoon to find this Funan Mall, and in the end it's the wrong place ! Laughs ~

Okayokay, around 6 plus ? Headed to Tampines Mall back, meet Gerald & Kenneth, AGAIN ~ Laughs ! Everyday we are meeting :x Okayokay, saw Evon & Simin ! Hahah, long time no see uhs ~ Hmmm, help Simin buy Cigg, cause Im 18 ! Hahah, then waited for her to smoke finish ~ Then suppose to meet the others at Bedok, last min they cnt make it ! Headed to CS Sakae for dinner then ~ Again ! I had sushi thrice this week pleasee . Laughs ! Cnt blame ah, both me & Gerald are sushi lovers ~ Laughs ! Back home and very tired ah ~~

Today went to College East for Regristration ! Laughs, morning 8am Im awake alrdy :x Ohmy, zZz ! Super tired please, so do GJH ! Both of us drag ourself to prepare and left the house around 9am ? Laughs ~ Bus to inter then to School . Very tired, haha ~ Okay, get our form passed up and took the colourblind test ! Well, he's super action sia ! He got Full marks, I only got 13 out of 15 ~ Not bad la hors :x

Anyway, took photos for ez-link card and off to buy uniform ! Hmmm, today Im brave ? Or rather, Im abit brave ~ Cause I decides things for myself ! Laughs ~ Then, acc him home, he bath, blablabla ~ Headed to Tamp 138 for KFC ! Then headed back to Interchange help Mommy deposit money ~ Then back home -.- Laughs !

It's a tiring day for me today ! Laughs ~ Everyday is tired for me, ask robin say ! Laughs ~ Tmr gotta work again, but Im left with 4 more days, zZz ! I will cherish uhs ~ Laughs . Okayokay, Im meeting this guy call YAZI in 30mins time ! He say, he got his pay and he's gonna treat me dinner ~ Laughs ! Wonder who else there huhs ? Hahaha ~ Okay, Im off to prepareeeeeeeeee !

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shopping with Mommy !

Okayokay ! Done-ed with the photos ~~ Back to Thursday, I gotta go back to work uhs ! And work was fine and alright ~ Cause volume is super super low ! Haha ~ Okayokay. lunch with Uncle Guowei, haha ! Quite alright uhs ? Cause we chat like nobody business uhs ! Haha ~ Okay, after work meet MrKenneth for dinner ~ Went to century square for dinner ! Ate banmian, and then went to Tampines Stadium nearby's playground ! Laughs ~ Slacking and talking craps too ! Took photos too ~ Anyway, went home around 10 plus ?

Friday, work again ! But more slack uhs ~ Lunch with him again, last day lunch with him :( But well, nvm ! Hahah ~ Went to meet Gerald after work, had Sakae Sushi for dinner ! 2 of us ate $57 ! Haha, alright ba hors ? Then meet MrKenneth again, haha ~ Headed to EV, then northpark ! Played swing and then went to coffee shop for toilet ! Then both of them acc me home, by walking ! Haha ~ I can help to minus fats !

Anyway, home around 11 plus ? Suppose to meet Min for supper, cancelled at last ! MSN with the both of them will 3am :x Haha ! Today, sleep till 1pm :x Haha, same goes for my dear mother ! Haha, super shiok I can say, hahaha ~ Prepared ourself and went to 800 plsu for food ! 4pm consider what ?

Laughs, acc Mommy to doc and then Cab to Expo . Robinson sales ! Hahah ~ Meet cousin there and shop till 7 plus ? Spend $85 for my stuff only ! Haha ~ Bus to 201 and meet Daddy for dinner ! Laughs, then walk back home around 10pm ?  Bath and watch tv ~ Blablabla ! Around 1am, meet Gerald and Kenneth for Supper ~ Hahaha ! Last min decision, cause Im hungry uhs :x Okay, back home at 1.30am -.- They seems so bored !

Well, and Im finally done with all the updatesssssss ! *Claps* Off to sleep, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chalet !

*claps* ! Im finally back ~ Haha, a big big sorry please ! Had been going home late these few days ~ Haha, shall update now ! Well, Sunday went to NLB with XGBFF, LH & Zhong ~ It's was alright uhs, nthg much actually . Borrowed 2 books, and renew-ed my library card . $5, worth ? Okay la, Haha .

Okayokay, while LH was doing research on his F&N, me & XGBFF went shopping at Bugis street, hahaha ! Then went to Expo, headed to all Fair uhs . Adidas, Popular, Food Fair, Robinson, And no more I think ? Lalala, then headed to TM . Bought bag & note books for school reopen ! Laughs .

MondayMonday ! Went to work for half a day, and left the workplace ~ Went home and changed . Then headed to Gerald chalet around 4 plus ? Ohmyohmy, super coincidence cans !? Happen to meet my online friend there, Kenneth ! Well, and I only know Gerald & Xinpei there :x Laughs ! Okay, so daring ah me :x Im the camera girl for the whole chalet ! Haha ~ Gerald helped me to introduce and thanks to xinpei, we got along well with the others too ! Haha ~

Acc Kenneth home and choose DVD to watch together with Gerald, Ivan, Xinpei & Robin . New friends, cool :D ! Okays, then back to BBQ, ate some food and headed to the beach then . Hahaha, together with Albert, Kenneth, Xinpei & Robin ! Totally, Im scare alright ~~ The guys are scaring me with, cats voice and something they saw or what . Well, I trust la ! And I almost cry cans !? Hahah ~ Okayokay, back to chalet . And was watching show, falling asleep please !

Haha ~ Around 3am ? Robin's friend fetch me & Albert home, thanks ! Photos for the day ......

Albert the chef !
Gerald wants me to take this photo :x
Guys prepare, girls eat !
Girls, plus Gerald !
Chit-chatting !
Xinpei & Gerald ~
Xinpei, Gerald, Kenneth & Albert !
Everyone, haha !

Now to Tuesday alrdy ! Not working today, Laughs ~ Anyway, wake up around 11 plus ? And waited for them to wake up before I go find them :x Laughs ! Okayokay, when I reach they were alrdy leaving for Lunch ! Went with them and everyone's face look so sleepy ~ Haha ! Went to mac for lunch, nicenice :D Cause hungry uhs !

Anyway, acc Shirlyn to buy food frm foodcourt, then back to chalet ~ Watching Harry Potter, blablabla ! Dozing off pleaseee ~~ And finished the show, started to take photos and sleeping ! Haha, super tired ~ Hiding under the blanket and gossiping, hahaha, nonsense cans !? Well, till 6 plus ? Went for dinner at E-hub and then Kbox ! Hahaha, super fun pleasee ~ But I gotta go home around 12.30am ? Sian, if not very fun :D

Okayokay, the chalet was really a good one ! Althought it's lik divided to 2 group, but it's still fun ~ And they are truely good friends, hahaha :D I get to know so many friends, Xinpei, Albert, Robin, Kenneth, Ivan and the others ! Haha ~ Nahs, here's the photo for the 2nd day, enjoy !

Take one ! :D
Second !
Snap :x
XP, ghost ! Ken, dead ppl !
Ken, die-ed !
Formal, white :D
Informal :x
Twist ~~
KBOX, Group :D
Robin & Kenneth so loving !
ZhaoCaiMao -.-
I dont knw what's this !
Poor me :(
Singsingsing :DD

Woohoos, Wednesday those guys checked out the chalet and went home to rest uhs . Well me, planned to meet Gerald & Kenneth ! Together with Xinpei ~ For movie, haha ! Okayokay, meet Kenneth 1st, while waiting for Gerald . Laughing about those things happening during the last 2 days ~

Seriously funny ah ! Haha ~ Okay, then they finally reached . Acc me to foodcourt eat, then Gerald at Mac . Watch the movie name, "Race to Witch Mountain" ! Quite nice, not bad uhs . Laughs ! Kenneth doesnt fail to scare me, haha -.- ! Anyway, had dinner at 日本村! Super Nice please, super full ! After that went to nearby park and slack ! Of cause, took many photos too, enjoy ahs :DD

Kenneth & Gerald, eat so many :x
The graphic nice ? Haha !
Duck :x
Twist !
Twist-ed :x
Hurhur :(
Bigs Bully !

Saturday, March 21, 2009

( I need some secure, promise ? )
Im back again ! *ahchoos ~ Im going to be sick soon ! Keep sneezing now and then uhs ~ Anyway ! Sleep till 12.30pm, super shiok uhs ! Haha ~ Mommy also sleep till 12pm, super shiok sia . Haha, bath and prepared myself . Went to Tmart Singtel shop and upgrade my plan, So Im using back Singtel now ! My old number . You have ? Dont have ask from me ! Lalalala ~ Get Nokia 5800 for Daddy too ~ Well, it's touch screen, he gotta take some time to learn how to use uhs ? Haha . That's the phone Mommy wanted to buy too actually . Well, went back home then -.- Wear till quite nice and that's whr we went to !

Actually Mommy wanted to Join 6th Aunt for shopping at Expo, but she gotta go out tonight and scare that the time might not be enough ? Well, so headed home and Mommy bought food for us . Wasnt very hungry actually, but still eat . Hahah, after that went to sleep awhile . Quite tired actually ! But woke up by Mommy ~ She's scolding Korkor :x Haha . Was watching tv and updating my phone contacts number ! Blablabla ~ Rotting at home till now -.- And Korkor's friends are all here, mahjonging !

Alright, Im done with posting today . Im a good girl today, stayed at home whole day ah ! Hahah ~ And tmr Im going out alrdy ! Hahah ~ Together with XGBFF, Limhwee & GJH ! Hahaha ~ Going NLB ? For dont knw what ~ And Monday is the Chalet, woohoos ! Hahaha . Think I only know one guy ther :x The rest, strangers ! Hahah ~ Well, hope things will turn well ? Hahah . But still gotta work half day ? Okay de la, I going sleep le . Im not feeling that well, and I got drink alot of water hors ! Byeeeeeeeeee .

Friday, March 20, 2009

My mood is average today, byeeeeeeeeee !




Hahaha, Im finally back alright ! Jus now was rushing to watch the last episode of Perfect Cut 2 . Well, teared cause the show was quite sad ? Hahah, but the ending was alright uhs . Anyway, ate dinner just now and now Im using computer . Nthg much to say actually !

Well, today's work was super less ah ! Keep do till nthg to do :x Hahah, and counting down, Im left with 7 days to work ! Ohmygod, time flies uhs ~ Should I buy something for them ? Well, shirley say dont need . Still scold me say, I alot money meh :x Hahah ! And, I got Doris as my mommy -.- A daddy too, simon ! Hahah, morning they were saying must work hard, to buy milk powder for me . Hahah, super lame ! But well, laugh lo :x

I think less then a month, Im gonna declare bankrupt ! Cause my pay is getting lesser and lesser day by day :x Hahaha, and I need to save for my school fees & uniform all these ~ Mommy is not giving me money :( Hurhur ! I have to save le uhs ~ Blablabla !

No supper today, and Im growing fat uhs ! Hahaha, cause everyday eating snacks ~ Haha . Okayokay, Im off to sleep uhs ~ Tmr, not going anywhr ? Sunday meeting XGBFF, hahaha ! BYEEEEEEEEEE !

T.A.G.S.R.E.P.L.Y.S !

XGBFF: So tonight we shall talk about it ! Loves <3
- Hahaha, yeayea ! If not sunday also can say ~~

evon: hahas. finally gonna meet you lerrs uhs ?? hahas. see you tues wan meet wad time you text mee on mon kkz ?? asap uhs. (:
- Alright, text you then ! Hahaha ~

Lex . LiM HwEE: zi lian ~
- Lalala, i am ! :x

Fen: I'm lookinq forward our cookies session! cheers!
- Hahaha, me too ! But it's still long uhs :x

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sorry for not posting ! Yesterday korkor was bugging the computer with some show, zZz ~ Anyway, sleep around 2am yesterday ? This morning went to work with a super swollen eyes -.- ! Hahaha, and I told them I didnt sleep well ~ Awwhs, didnt sleep well really make my days sucks ! Haha, keep talking nonsense and laugh non-stop with Doris . Somehow, she become my mother, haha ~ And she took care of me uhs !

Okayokay, lunch with LeeHoon & Adelyn ! Haha, ate chicken rice, yuacks ! Not nice le :x Tmr I must eat Fish Slice Soup . Back to work, and was chatting and playing with Guowei -.- Hahaha . He help us to check cheques, and he found US Dollar . He ask, wher shd I put ? I answer, bring home lo, haha ~ And he strangler me :x Hahah ! Okay, totally nonsense !

Shirley came and nonsense started to come ! David is driving Doris crazy, and driving me mad ~ Doris is angry till crazy, Im laughing till mad ! He's super disgusting, and whole SCB didnt want to be related with him in anyway ! Ohmy, super funny ~ And, he's super fast when it comes to food ! Ohmyohmy, imagine his expression :x Super 'teeko' face, haha ! Lalal, im so bad ~ But at least Im cheered !

Back home around 8 plus ? Dinner and watch tv, zZz ! Well, Im changing phone number quite soon ? Cause currently Im using my uncle number, zZz ~ He wants back ! Well, shall update you guys about my number . Probably using back the old one ? Hahah ~ Alright, tmr is friday and Im gonna be happy ! Can I ? Hopefully . Okays, tag time ! Byeeeeeeeeeee ~

T.A.G.S.R.E.P.L.Y.S !

passerby: you studying what course in simei?

- Eh, wireless HN . Haven start sch ah :)

evon: girl. you going to gerald chalet nxt wk ?? if you going den i go worx. (: text me let me noe barx.

- Haha, see you thr ? Text-ed !

XGBFF: Hahhahaha, miss me uh ! hahah! x; I tell you something later. -.- very ridiculous! laughs x:

- Girl, cheer up la ! Can you update me yr thing ? I also have alot to say ~

simin: hey *****! tagged

- Siao ah you, keep scold me ***** ! hurhur ~

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Im back to post again ! Hahaha, today wake up around 11 ? Jus nice ! Went to prepare and wake GJH up ~ Headed to EVS and meet MrYANG ! Well, ate lunch and then headed to collect our cert . Well, totallt EVS look like a primary school uhs :x GSP look much nicer though ! Hahaha ~

Left EVS, and left me and GJH . MrYANG headed home 1st . Well, no where to go cause it's still early to go work . It's only 12.30pm ? Haha, chatted and slack till 2pm ? Bus to work, the weather is super hot I must say ! Hahaha ~ When I reach, Doris say Im finally thr :x Hahah, watever ! Work was bored, cause Shirley is not here again :( Hurhur ! Anyway, 7.30pm released ~ Haha .

Okay, me today didnt bring my key out ! And I gotta wait for mommy to come back before I can go home uhs . Didnt wanna be a fool waiting outside the door, I went shopping again ! Hahaha ~ Went to cotton on and spend $50 thr ! Bought 2 hot pants and 2 singlet ~ Well, worth ? Hahah :x Opps !

Im left with 9 more days to work :( Gonna miss them lot ! But, new life gonna begins ~ Hahaha, ITE life . Hmmm, how's it gonna be like uhs ? And I have to find another part time job ? TO survive :x Hahah ! Cause mommy is not giving me money, zZz ~~ I'll be broke very soon . And, Chalet next week, woahhs ! Enjoy abit before I starts school, hahaha ~ Done with blogging, off to sleeep ! I seriously dont have enough sleep :(

Monday, March 16, 2009

(dont let go your hand, my dear ?)

Sorry for not posting some facts I should be posting :x Haha, the weekends was a good one ! But, I posted rubbish ~ Haha . Okayokay, sat went to Bedok ShengSong for shopping on steamboat ingredient ! Well, headed ther with Eve & BF plus Doris & Son . Haha, fun & interesting ~

Back home prepared those food, we bought prawn, alive you know !? Hahah, and 4 plus started eating till 6 plus :x Hahaha ! Then Adelyn, Jane & Shraon came . Well, korkor room become childcare center, hahaha ~ Poor GJH, gotta entertain them ! Well, big thanks again :x Cause if not the kids gotta fight over the PSP & DS uhs . Till 7 plus, they went back home . Hahah ~

And nthg much happen le :x Sunday meet XGBFF & Limhwee . Headed to Bugis, together with 2 brother too . zZz ! Suppose to go shopping please ~ But, drag till 3 plus then reach Bugis ~ Headed to Seafood Harvest for lunch ? Total 5 people, $95 . Worth ? Not bad ba :x

Bought total of 5 clothes, but it's not shiok at all ~ Cause it's like me walking alone shopping, cause they didnt bother me :x Lalalala, meet Mommy for dinner ! Then GJH & korkor came along too . Dinner, back home ! Today working was tired and bored ~ Cause Shirley didnt come !

Bored to death please ! AND AND AND, that guy is seriously very very irritating please ~ He can, suddenly stand up during production, and smile at me ! OHMY ~ Seriously pervert :x Hahaha . Im scare of him la ! @#$%^&*

And Im back home before 10pm ! Hahaha ~ Watch Perfect cut, and last ep is this coming friday uhs . Ohmy ~ And tmr Im working half day again ! Haha, cause Im going back to EVS to collect my Olvl cert uhs . Hahah ~ Together with ? Dont knw :x Hahaha ~ Okayokay, then im off to sleep now ! Cause Im tired, byeeeeeeeee .


T.A.G.S.R.E.P.L.Y.S !

XGBFF: Why ley ley ley ley ley ! I SAW YOU TODAY . I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu !
- Hahaha, I saw you on sunday too ! Miss you :(

?? : sometimes relationship is all about enjoyment if relationship is such a misery indicates on ur blog.... Be a nun or monk in future ....
- hahah, not funny kays idiot -.- ! you be monk ah ? Okay de !

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A real Boyfriend (:

When she stares at your mouth, Kiss her . When she pushes you or hits you like a dumb ass, Grab her and dont let go . When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tuff, Kiss her and tell her you love her . When she's quiet, Ask her whats wrong . When she ignores you, Give her your attention . When she pulls away, Pull her back . When you see her at her worst, Tell her she's beautiful . When you see her start crying, Just hold her and dont say a word . When you see her walking, Sneak up and hug her waist from behind . When she's scare, Protect her . When she steals your favorite hat, Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night . When she doesn't answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay . When she looks at you with doubt, Back yourself up . When she says that she likes you, SHE REALLY DOES MORE THAN YOU COULD UNDERSTAND . When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh . When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold . When she looks at you in your eyes, dont look away until she does . When she says it's over, she still wants you to be hers . Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything . When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go . When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her . Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her . Treat her like she's all that matters to you . Stay up all night with her when she's sick . Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid . Give her the world . Let her wear your clothes . When she's bored and sad, hang out with her . Let her know she's important . Kiss her in the pouring rain .
Sometime Im really tired... I need your encouragement my dear . Promise me to be there for me alright ?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Opps ! I didnt post yesterday, Friday the 13 ~ Didnt post cause Im lazy and lazy ! Well, work half day yesterday . Cause was having bad stomach cramp in the moring, zZz ~~ Sleep till 12 plus ? Meet Simin at EVS nearby coffee shop, had lunch . Saw Yazi, hahaha ! He's nonsese ~~ And saw XGBFF too ! She came back to collect her Cert, next week is me :DD ~ Okayokay, left there around 2 pm and cab to workplace uhs . They thought I wasnt coming anymore, but I still came ! And, that David seriously very scary pleasee ~~ Im very very scare of him ! Hurhur ~ Anyway, sat far far away from him ! Hahaha ~ Okay, went home around 7pm ? They were having a brief talk, while me, Leehoon & Shirley was chatting at our sit :x Haha, cause the brief is not important uhs ! Anyway, bought dinner back home and eat together with GJH ~ After that, watch TV, bath .... Nthg much to do ! Sleep around 1am ? And the stomach aches really wakes me up . Damn it, super bloody pain I swear . Pain till I sweat and teared ~ Chatted with GJH, and he acc me till I sleep . BIG BIG THANKS TO HIM ! Damn it, I couldnt lie down and I gotta go to toilet alot of times then it gets better -.- ! What's the cause ? I dont know uhs . It's still abit unwell now ~ Hahaha, hack it ! Anything worst, go see doctor only ma, hahaha ! Hmmm, gonna go off to prepare :D Today is Sat, and collegues are coming to my house for gathering ! Hahah, maybe update tmr with our photos ? Lalalala, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3>

Thursday, March 12, 2009

( I didnt went to Sakae Sushi today :x )

Im back already, hahaha ! Today didnt work uhs ~ Well, woken up by XGBFF's phone call ! lucky she call me, if not i'll be late for her exams :x Haha, prepared myself and rush out home :x Cause im abit out of time ! 12.40pm, Im still at Tampines interchange -.- Cab thr instead, haha ~ Meet XGBFF and she prepared for her exams . Washed and blowed my hair ~ Well, hope I wont make her fail her exams ! Hahah . Okay, 2.30pm ended and walking around the school . Bought sandwiches and chat awhile ? Left around 3pm, haha . Meet Juan & Adrian at Pizza hut, haha ! Since so long we never meet, sure alot to catch up with uhs ! Hahaha ~ Anyway, they treated me ! As my present, hahah :) Thanks uhs ! Really appreciate :DD After that went back to my house, sing song ! Hahaha ~ Chat awhile and they left . Hmmm, watch tv blablabla ~ Chatted on phone with GJH :x Lalala, and he's coming later ? Anyway ! Im going to sleep now ! Tmr working, but it's a friday, so it's okay uhs ~ Hahaha . Hmmm, nights !

PS : 原来,爱上一个人,是那么幸福的事?哈哈!

T.A.G.S.R.E.P.L.Y.S !

Fen: HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY! i love you! ^^
- Thanks uhs ! Love you too <3>

SUYI .: Happy birthday huixin jiejie ! (: Enjoy ;D
- Thanks Girl (: Yup, I did enjoy !

XGBFF: Hope you like the present i gave you uhhh ! hahaha! ai ni ! <3> !
- Of cause my dear girl <3> hahaha !

Lex . LiM HwEE: Kuai Le Niao Ri.. ;x (Direct translation)
- Thanks ah -.- Hahahaha !

??: hi gorilla jiahan fantic =x slap u in the face ah =x boring neh~ find some time go out leh or open chalet )=D
- What is Fantic ? Hahah, why slap me :( Hah, you sponser ah ! We go Zoo ~

XGBFF: God! i look like how many years never sleep X: hahaha .
- Hahah, not enough sleep ? haha :x

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Birthday ?

Woohoos ! Happy 18 birthday to me, Miss FOO :DD Hahaha ~ Okayokay ! Yesterday night, totally cant get to sleep uhs ! HURHUR . Not because Im excited ? Cause im not excited at all :x Well, received quite alot of Birthday msg ? But none from them, lalalalala ~ Okay, and work half day for today ! Hahah, quite fun ? Cause joking around and laughing about 18years old . Doris ah ! Talking nonsense :x Hahah ~ Okay, didnt went to lunch, cause half day ~ Got treats of CoffeeBeans drinks from Daniel & Lina, thanks uhs ! Hahah . And Hersheys' Chocolate Bar from my dear dear Shirley ! Hahaha, thanks thanks (: Super full cans !? Hurhur ~ Well, left the company at meet JH @ company downstairs . We're suppose to go Sentosa uhs, but the weather doesnt seems to be helping us ? Anyway ! Waited for XGBFF from her school, hahah, she pon school mans, ohmy uhs ! For the sake of me ? Hahah, I THINK SO :x Well, received her Chocolate bonquet, ohmy ~ Im super super touched, but I didnt tear uhs :x Hahah ! Really a big big thanks to her :DD Hmmm, took the chocolate bouquet around and took MRT till Tiong Bahru, hahaha :x Anyway, used there de toilet and MRT back to Changi Airport ! Hahah, ohmygod ahahaha ~ But it's not me taking it :x Hahah, poor JH gotta help me take my bag and the chocolate bonquet ! Big Big Thanks uhs ! Well, took photos and chat chat chat ~ Around 6 plus bus back to Inter ! Hahaha, we are late to meet Mommy they all ~ Well, they also late uhs ! We are still early ~~ But, still meet them at Seoul Garden, and Mommy paid ~ Hmmm, quite nice uhs ? Hahah ~ Eat till almost 9 plus ? Bought a cake and Bus home, hahaha ! 1st time Daddy took bus ? Back home and cut cake, blablabla ! Nobody in the house seems to be interested uhs, zZz ! Anyway ! Tmr wont be working uhs ~ Hahaha . Going ITE College East, help XGBFF with her exams ~ Then meeting Peijuan & Adrian for belated bday celebration ? Hahaha, Pizza Hut uhs, ohmy ! Okayokay, off to sleep le, super tired ! i understand everything now (: