Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back postiing ! Sorry for not posting for 2 days, cause iim kiinda sick !
29July went out with Baby ! Cause it's ovr anniiversary, Laughhs*
Actually, iit's aint a good day at all ~ Everything iis lik, all nonsense ~~
Went to 日本春 for lunch ! Baby's first time thr, Laughs* Then went to PS.

Repair my Mp3, and it was lik awhile only =.= walking around to look for protector.
Dont haf ! Only haf th $29 at CREATIVE ! Lik kinda ex, so didnt buy casing lor ~
Then MRT back to Tampiines.. Still walking around inter trying our luck !
But who noes, is lik nobody selling alrdy -.- So bus home lor ~ Laughs* Siian !

Was super tiiredd, maybe cause of sick bah ? Baby watch me slp, then he went home..
Althought it's only the both of us, but our mood kinda going up and went down =.=
Awhile happy, the next moment become unhappy again . Laughs* Stupid uhs xD

30July, schling was kinda boredd ! After recess jiu went home alrdy ~ Cause iim sick !
Kor came to sch and fetch me home ~ Laughs* Bought porriage home, then watch show.
Didnt rest at all :x Cause when iim done with the show, it's time to go out alrdy, Hah ~~
Went to Xingan house, make my Mp3 and did some physics work ! Laugh lik mad again ~
Woo-hooos ! Try to be funny by making jokes with shit & urine -,- Simply mad ii swear !
Then back home, was kinda siick alrdy =.= Sad pls ! Hafing fever iin the middle of night ~

12am, Baby came and peii me (: Althought we had some tiff, but we are fiine alrdy, Hah !
Simply too diizzy for anything else ~ Couldnt hug Baby, cause whole body aches badly :(
And cnt kiss :x Cause my lips are hafing Ulcer =.= Laughs* Sorry Baby, bear with it k?
Till today morning, iim still feeling unwell . So didnt went to sch at all ~ MC laaaa, hah !
Baby didnt went sch also ! Hah, cause he say he too tiiredd alrdy =.= So he didnt go sch..

Early iin the morniing, 9am plus ii woke up ! Prepared myself and went to 3rdAunt shop.
Sorry Baby, ii didnt noe mamii will be so last min :x Sorry to ps you, again. Really sorry !
So cabbed thr and bought breakfast ! Ate fish soup with rice, eat till half jiu CMI liiao :x
11pm, went to see doc, beside Aunt shop only =.= then was stoniing in th shop, hah !
Cause ii couldnt help much, as ii dont noe wat to do :x So was falling aslp cause of med !

3pm, brought Cousin to Sch ! Today iis Qiiaonan's 75th Anniiversary, Laughs* till 11pm !
After dat, was sleepiing at aunt shop :x So went to Grandma house and take a nap !
Pretty great, cause ii can sleep lik nobody business :x And wake up around 7pm bahs ?
Eat dinner then 8pm went to look for korkor ~ He wouldnt be home so early ii think !
So me and zhong cabbed home, and curerntly iim usiing com :x Hah, ii saw niicPAPA ~

Hmmm, siick iis super super iirritatiing pls ! Siighs* Jus hope then tmr will be a gd day !
Laughs* The medicine really makes me soso sleepy ! Wonder tmr how, sleep in class ?
Blabla, off to pack bag for tmr schliing ! And Baby iis still not home yet, tmr still schling ley.
Haiiyohs ~ I loveeeeeeeee Baby ! & Xiingan, Aiai, Mama, JFYF, Baobeii && Aiirennnnnnn !

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ahbeeeeeeeee, Happy 5th Month Annii (:

Time passes, and we are together for 5 month alrdy !
Everything moment we sharer, ii truly cherish.
Laughters, and tears we shed would nvr be forgotten..
Without you, my life would be iin a mess, really.
Im so used to having you beside me, iim addicted to you.

1st month, you didnt give me any present, it's okay baby !
We did enjoy ourself on th bus-ride yea? It's kinda memories ~
2nd month, you gave me some paper stars you made yourself ~
A big 'THANKYOU' to you Baby ! Im really very happy (:
3rd month, we went to take our 1st neopriints, ugly uhs ?
Laughs* It's okay Baby ~ Went to beach, and teared together xP
It's fine ~ At least we shared out our troubles & feel better yea?

4th month, iim sorry. I didnt kept those promises ii gave you..
I broke my promise, and left you alone.. But then ii realise,
ii couldnt lose you anymore. I swear to cherish you, ii promise !
I miss you alot ! When you wasnt around my side, ii feel uneasy ~

On my birthday, we had some tiff. Im sorry to be sturborn !
Sorry to affected you, and everyone else in my birthday party..
But later on, we settled our probs and solved everything again ~
On your birthday, iim sorry ! Didnt peii you for celebratiion ~
Hope you are not angry, ii promise next year ii will peii you kays ?

Remember those days you were beside me, while iim about to sleep?
You jus dont let me sleep, and you would stop me from sleeping !
Laughs* I really cherish those days, and ii dont wanna change anything..
Almost every Sat morning, we had breakfast together ! It's pretty sweeet ~
and Lunch would always, always bought by you ! Thanks ahbeeeeeeeeeee (:
Family chalet we get to ton together ~ Laughs* While iim sleeping lik pig xD

And now, on 29thJuly, our 5thMonth Anni ! Time really passes yea ?
A blink of eyes, 5months has passed.. All this while, ii jus loveee youu !
I began to miss you th moment you leave my eyesight, iits trueee baby ~
I dont care about other ppl's viiew, and ii jus wanna be together with you !

Promiise me, you would nvr leave me, forever. I need you by my side !
I only want you beside me, of cause loveee & concern from you, dearr ~
Quarrel, Cold war, ii dont want them anymore.. It's hurt, isnt it Baby ?
I dont need any romantic stuff or those sweet talks, but only you beeeee..
Thank you for toleratiing my nonsense, attitude & tantrums that ii had thrown..

Baby, ii will nvr forget those days we had..
I promise, i'll love you faithfully !

Monday, July 28, 2008

monday blueeeeeeeeees ! today hafiing a boredd boredd day pls ~~
Hate monday pls ~ Super siian de lesson, Especially Engliish laaa !
Attendance takiing took 1 period, and left with 1 period only =.=
Falling aslp alrdy with his lesson going on ! No matter wat topic he says,
everyone jus feel lik sleeping ! His lesson has sucessfully made us sleep xP

Chemistry was kinda blur xP Cause we dont noe how to do those work !
Blablabla, PE ! Was super bored, didnt see dao MrZaihan, at all ~~
So went to take a stroll with Mama, Laughs* Saw cheehao, papaaaaaaaaa !
Bought HL Milk at mama shop, then back to sch again, super siiann pls ~
Then ii saw MrZaihan =.= Laughs* Early recess, super great ! Kinda sian ~

Ate WantonMee, niiceniice ! GuoTiao's nicer (: Try it ppls ! blablabla ~
Recess seems to be so long, cause we had longer recess due to early release !
Hmms, staying in class for nth ~ QF looks lik a mamashop "Aunty" ! Hah ~
Cause she sells sweets, lolipops & crackers in class 501 ! Hah, cool yea .

Anyway, Physics had pratical again =.= Smth to do with electricity ~~
Nth much actually ~ Did MCQ, 14 & above get to leave early, before 1.30pm !
Completed mine, 14/20 =.= Hah ! Lucky la xP Pack and go, but gotta wait.
For char, mad & angela ~~ Laughs* still the same, 1.30pm then leave sch ~

Went to bbt shop, nth much ! Huanchoon took my watch, 1week rental again :x
Laughs* It's okay ! I got Junkiiat's watch for replacement xD ! Laughs*
2pm went in to sch, help CD to do the noticeboard, for my CCA points pls !
A2 ley, if ii didnt contribute anything, CCA point jus gone lik this ley ~
Hah ! Done around 3plus ba? Thanks Angela for peii-iing me, when she stones thr.

Meet Char & co. for lunch ! Hah, then bus home together with madmad ! Laughs*
Back home, prepared myself and took Mom's laptop to Grandma house, for uncle.
Laughs* Childcare centre once again ! Joyce&Shawn was thr, plus MengWei too ~
Around 6 plus, went to 3rdAunt's shop, look for bro and stone thr =.= Laughs*
Till papa's back, then went home together with papa ! Meet Baby at home (:

Hah, baby is trying to make me angry & wanna quarrel with me =.= Useless kays !
Im not gonna quarrel with you lahs, when tmr iis our aniiversary, laughs*
But Baby iis super cuteeeeeeeee ! I swear pls (: I loveeee you beeeeeeeeee !

Sunday, July 27, 2008

backkkkkkkkk ! today iis not a bad day, iis also not a good day xP Laughs*
Nth much to say anyway, ytd didnt went for joggiing, cause tiimiing not riight !
Maybe other days then ? Today also not joggiin alrdy, cause xingan haf family dinner ~

Wake up around 10am, watching Prince Turns To A Frog ! Together wiith Baby&Bro ~
Then ate leftover from ytd dinner, as today's breakfast ! Plus some egg ii prepared ~
Back to room, sleep ! Hah ~ Together wiith Baby, then mami come home =.= Opps !
Laughs* Blablabla, Baby receiived call from GuanLeong, now he's out for lunch alrdy ~

Left me home alone, zhong also not at home ! Btw, ii didnt forget tio msg Baby laaaaa ~
He fall asleep while iim usiing computer ~ & ii tot ii didnt msg him, when he's at fault !
Laughs* told him and he's kiinda laughiing at me ! Hah ~ Anyway, it's over laaa !

Nth to post actually ! Laughs* off to bath alrdy ~ Then hmwk ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Good Morning ! Im seriously feeliing much much better after Xingan house ~
After laughiing and laughiing, together with Junkiat, Huanchoon & Xingan !
Althought it's not settled yet, iim still laughing, so dont worry ppl, ii will be fine !

Ytd went to Xingan house, was once again madly&crazily laughing ! Xingannnn ~
Lying on Junkiat's bed, chit-chatting with Xingan ! & distrubiing Junkiiat, hah ~
Pretty fun ! & it's great to be chattiing on bed ~ Huanchoon was hiding in Jk room xP

Dinner around 6plus, ate BBQ chickenwing Rice ! Xingan eat FRIED chickenwing rice :x
Hah ! Im th slowest pls ~ But nvm, they still wait for me :x Watch douniuyaobuyao !
aroundd 7pm, took photos with Xingann ! Hah ~ And disturbiing each other lik mad !

Back home around 8 plus, nobody at home . Watch show, whiich would nvr ends ~
Cause always till half, ii end th show alrdy =.= 10pm, perfect cut ! Ending episode ~
Super niice ! & song playiing in my blog now iis the ending theme song, niice yea ?

Today Mom iis not workiing ~ So dinner would be at home ! After dinner, joggiing ~
Maybe only, together wiith Xingan ~ Later then she confirm with me, Laughs*
Ytd night ii forget to msg Baby dat iim sleeping soon ! Really sorry Baby :( sighs*
He's now sleeping, but gonan wake up soon ii think ? Gonna peii him nw, byeeeeeeee !

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sometime ii realiise, why do misunderstandiing keep happen, so easily..
Until recently, then ii realiise . Dat's because of a word, trust, isnt it ?
Maybe iim jus thinking too much? Im sorry sisters, ii didnt share my probs .
Cause ii dont even noe wat's wrong ~ Frankly, ii really dont noe anything .

Sorry to made you guys worry, really sorry ~ But now, ii had shared alrdy .
I dont need you guys to help me settle these trouble iim hafing now, really ~
Jus need a listening ear for myself, dats all . Sorry for all the trouble ii gave .
If my attitude had affect your mood, iim sorry again . Im jus too lost for anything .

Xingan, iim glad dat you are with me ! You simply cheers me up, ii swear please ~
Thanks for makiing my day feel so trouble-less ~ You, make me crazy & mad !

Mama, iim sorry to let you feel so vexed . It's okay, iim much better after saying .
I didnt blame you for not helping me or wat, jus wanna thank you for being here !
Im sorry to let you worry, if ii had . Dont worry, ii will try to solve th prob, soon ..

Aiai, should ii say sorry ? Maybe . I really dont noe wat's wrong, wat's goiing on .
I dont wanna continue this anymore, it's kinda useless to carry on things lik this .
Dont you think so ? Im not gonna say anything abt that issue anymore, alright .
Jus let nature take it course, leave it to fate bahs ? Few more months, it's over .
Together or not, we shall see then ? Mayb we wouldnt be dat close anymore ?
I dont noe, and ii dont wish to ~ But it would be hard to be back to those times ..

Baby, firstly iim sorry ~ Shouldnt haf let you worry abt me, and feel troubled .
Im really sorry ! I should haf share my probs with you earlier, thank you Baby !
Thanks for being so patiient with me, and trustiing me ! I cant lost you anymore .
I couldnt iimagiine wat would become of me iif you were to diissappear in my life ~
I really need you beside me, you cheers me up ! Althought it's jus awhile, iit enough ~
Im satisfied alrdy ~ I dont need sweet talks or romantic stuff, but ii jus wan you !
Thanks for beiing thr for me, always ! I loveeee you Baby, 4 more day to anii (:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Laughs* back postiing alrdy ! Changed blogskins, very long nvr change le ~
Hah ~ Baby also changed blogskins alrdy ! He diid it himself, ii nvr help xP

Today sch was duper duper siian ! Maybe cause of my mood, aint dat gd ?
Im not feeling very great today, althought ii've ChickenWing for recess :x
Mood was pretty down ~ And many thing rush through my mind, many !

Aint gonna say much, cause iit wont do much to help, but worst ii think ?
After recess ii feel much better, really ~ Cause 501 cheers my day up ! Hah ~
With jokes & disturbiing of teacher, dat's enough to make me smile, really (:

Schs end at 1pm, and had lunch breaks ! Nth much, jus slacking around bbt shop ~
Back to sch, had interview from th newspaper ! Topic iis abt Sch's bully, hah ~
GuanLeong is our "Boss" ! Was kinda fun, and next Wed our video will be uploaded !
Do stay tune ppl, ! do visit next Wednesday, you'll see our funny speech ~

Alright ! Im done with today's post ~ Sorry readers, ii dont feel well, at all, sorry ~

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Some over-due piictures ! Hah, haven got th piictures for ytd frm the others yet ~
Cause ii dont haf theiir MSN ~ Hah ! Shall see how then, Laughs* Jiieeett ahh !

School was oh-so fiine today ! Hah ~ Had 4 lesson of Art, kinda siiann pls ! Tiired ah ~
Was walking in and out of the art room ~ wash hand, ask this ask that =.= Hah ~
Help xy to touch up her lemon, hah ! Look so niice now :x & her cherry look juiicy !
Cause of the shiny effect ~ Kinda out standiing now ! Gonna finish her art real soon ~

Hmms, maths was kiinda alriight ! 3 periiod siiohhs ~ Diid algebratiic revisiion, Hah !
Quiiet useful, help me to rmb those work ii diid last few years ! But still some unknown ~
Then Chemistry, pratical, super fun ~ Do dao part 2 everyone jiu began to so wild alrdy :x

Late release for Sch, cause we were taking very long for the pratical ! Hah, went to bbt shop ~
Some probs btwn the lower sec, Laughs* Small matter ii think? I dont noe anything !
Went to coffee shop, wiith JFYF & Baobeii ! Ate noodles, couldnt finish everything :x
Then to Bb court to look for Baby & Bro ! Bro's stuff was missiing, ohhmyy ~ Suspect ___ !

Went around to search, Ahmeng brought his Towel & water back, dont noe from whr ~
Ya, so maybe iis him? LOL ! Edmund found his pouch at 450, storey 4 staircase =.=
Got back and the poliice came ~ Explaiined everything and then left home with Baobeii !

Reach home, then started watchiing Roling Love ! Last epiisode alrdy ~ Super niice pls !
Laughs* and Baby iis iin my house now ! Hah, he iis playiing game now ~ Hoho, siiann ah !
Gonna dragg hiim to take photo wiith me ~ Laughs* And iim lik, super cold now ? Laughs*
Off to watch show alrdy ~ Laughs* Byeeeeeeee ! Tmr recess gonna eat ChiickenWiing (:

Monday, July 21, 2008

No pictures yet ! Hah ~~ Today iis a really really Great day !
Student Learning Festival CUM Char's 1 month Anii, Congrats (:

Morniing meet Mad @ Mama shop, then voiid-deck ! Hah, jiieeet ~
Today iis a Great day ! Everyone iis super super hiigh, ii thiink :x
Hah, openiing for SLF ! Then the planes competition, 502 won, Laughs*

Next iis the Olympiic Trail, nothing much actually ! Hah, jus stolling around.
Activity was kiinda bored lah, cause iis lik not iinterestiing ! Hah ~~
Then to hall, 1st iis to piick up marble from soupy water, wiith chopstick !
501 & 502 diid well pls ! Laughs* then next round, five stones, 502 1st ~~
Then chess, last round was puzzle ! Hah, 502 1st, then followed by 501 (:

But 502 was diisqualified, cause theiir puzzle was gone missiing ! Ohhmyys ~
So 501 won ! Hohohoh ~ Fiinally 501 won smth (: Hah. 501 rocks pls ~
Haf breaks for lik super long, all th way till 11pm ~ Wemt to field for Blazing Trail !

501 diid super well pls ! All were together & we won the race ! Hah, love 501 (:
So we get to throw MsShanta iinto the water, 1 shot & ther goes Shanta iin water !
Hah ~ Super fun pls ! & next we get to throw again, diidnt get, but jus pushh lah ~
501 iis really really Great ! Laughs* Took photos together with 502 ~ Become 503 !
Hah, Sec 5NA really united alriight ! Hah ~ MsShanta gonna rmb forever mans :x

Now back home ! Hah, gonna prepare myself for later outiing ! Together wiith Baby ~
Maybe with Bro too ! Lightbulb, he ownself say de ~ Hah, byeeeeeeeeeee (:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hah, photo fiinally uploadedddd! Currently usiing dad's laptop, hah ~~
Took many many photo wiith Baby ytd, or rather these few days, Laughs*
Baby is addiicted to takiing photo ! Hah ~ Of cause la, wiith me ley :x

Hah, wake up around 11pm ~ All thanks to Baby ! Hah, come disturb me agaiin :x
Laughs* watch show, WangZiBianQingWa ~ Super old show, but ii love to watch !
The female lead iis kinda poor thing, cause the male lead had forgotten her, Hah ~

alriight, nth much to post actually ! Cause iim jus doiing nth at home, so bored pls ~
Tmr gonna be SLF, student learning festival ! Sure very siian, cause ii didnt play ~
done done done ! Goiing off to watch show, edit photo & peii Baby, byeeeeeeeeee (:

People, why do people need trust? Today then ii realise,
trust iis so hard to gain. Even with daily cliques, it's hard..

Saturday, July 19, 2008

friiday niight was duper great ! Had a supriise party for adriian (:
nt really supriise, cause he knew it alrdy ~ but nvm, it's th tot tat counts !
home around 12am, drank Volka with F&N cherry ! 2 cup & iim kinda dead :x
Home together with Baby ! Laughs* kinda fainting, but ii didnt uhs ! Hah ~

Knock out, immediiately pls ! Laughs* sat morniing woke up at 8am =.=
super tiired & heavy eyebag ii haf ! preparedd & wake Baby up, still slpiing ~
Meet Aiai & Co. at Tmart, then bused to TampinesInter, MRT to Sentosa !

12pm, Bright sun, hot weather ! Laughs* The sand were even hot, not warm ~
Changed clothes then started takiing photos ~ Laughs* Took with Baby&Aiai !
Then winnie came, started playiing volleyball iin th water, ii didnt uhs, Laughs*
But in the end, still play iin th water ! Hah, went to bath at around 3pm ii think?

Suppose to stroll around Sentosa, but it's raining ! So took monorail back to Vivo ~
Super tiired ~ Hah ! In the end, MRT back to Tampines, cause no whr to go !
Last min decided to go to E-hub ! Hah, bought sushi thr and left to temple ~~
Together with Baby, while th rest were still at E-hub, hafiing their dinner thr ~

At temple was kinda bored ? But got Baby's company, dat's enough ! Laughs*
Hwee, Fen, ZongGen & Huiisa came after dat ~ Took photo with MengHui !
Gonna post tmr ii think ? Laughs* then 9pm, peii Baby home, he changed clothes .
Was lookiing at Baby's childhood piictures ! He is SUPER-ACTIVE as a child pls !
no wonder he seems to be in a crazy mood everywhere he goes now, Opps :x

Back home was lik, super tiiredd pls ! Laughs* suppose to knock out, but cnt la !
Baby was disturbiing me, and now ii couldnt even get to slp alrdy ! Jiiieeet ahh ~
Gonna try to slp, cause ii dont wan my eyebag to be heaviier ! Hah, byeeeeeee (:

Friday, July 18, 2008

Im back postiing agaiin ! Laughs* Didnt post for ytd, siiann ahh !
Sleep at 1am on thursday morniing, and wake up at 5.30am for sch ~
Peii Baby home to change sch uniiform, Laughs* Saw baby's dad siiohs :x
Laughs* damn paiisehh, then keep chase Baby to be faster, Hah !

Schliing was super siiann ! Cause both of us look stupid with panda eyes,
and heavy eye bag ! Laughs** Super super ugly pls, so tiredd also ~~~ Jiieet !
But 501 cheers me up ! Laughs* Feeling tiired, but with 501 laughter, ii feel better ~
I love 501, my cliques & of cause my ahbeeeeeeee ! Laughs* Super hyper (:

After sch went to have lunch with Aiai & Ahbeeeeeeeee ~ Laughs* Ate banmiian ~
Then back to my house, Siingiing sessiion agaiin ! Hah, while ahbeeeeeee slps =.=
Till 5pm, Aiai went back home ! & ii went iin to diisturb Baby ! In the end hor,
ii fall aslp whiile ahbeeeeeee was awake ! Hah, he went to use computer while ii slp :x
Sleep all the way till 10pm, Laughs* watch tv and ate dinner ! Then back to slp again :x
Super tired pls ! Sleep so long still so tiired, Hah ~ Then schliing today was fun !

501 was makiing th Gliders for Monday's SLF ! And class looking lik a airport ~
Laughs* decided on Class tees design ! Speakers Pics ~ Laughs* Mad's fav :x
Jokiing ! Laughs* & cliques was disturbiing Haokiiat wiith Madeliine, Hahaha !

MT lesson today was fun ! Listeniing to song, siing along ~ But gonna change lyrics =.=
Shall see la ~ Laughs* ii only noe ii enjoy th song ! Hah, siing together wiith cliques !
Today MrHaroldGoh wasnt in sch, Laughs* but we did go thru hmwk done last week ~
The teacher whose iin our class was funny ! Bal said he is FF =.= Xy says he's cute !

After sch went to TM and get somethiing doneeeee ! Laughs* Supriiseeee, hah ~
Then went home, now postiing bloggggg ! Gonna post more on Sunday ii think ?
Tmr goiing sentosa, agaiin ~ Hah ! With Aiai they all (: Gonna enjoy yea, Laughs*

I've lost one friend, yangg..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Back postiing ! Jus came back from Giiant together wiith Mom&Baby ~
Laughs* Jus gonna updateee abt today, cause iim lazy to post ytd stuff !
Hah, yea ~ MT listening iis over, super great ! Olvl MT is donedone (:

Today read Newspaper, blablabla ~ the RenciHospital got cheated some money ?
I think so, not so clear ah :x Laughs* Anywae, Vinay was nt here today !
Bloody him ! Told us to bring maths notes for mindmapiing, and he's nt here ~
Jiiieeeet ~ But great, 3 periiod wiithout hiis lesson ! Chatting & Slackiing la ~
Walkiing aroundd th schools, then go fiind duck ~ Peii him awhile then back to class .

SS was super siiann ! As usual, copy notes -.- Laughs* New format agaiin ! Siiiann ~
Then MT was discussiing abt th Olympic thiings, those 5 wawa look cute pls !
But got rumours says that they are the cause of all those bad things, lik earthquake -,-
No way man, they are so cute ! How could it be them :x Laughs* Blablabla, rubbish !

English was super bored ! Copyiing conversatiion stuff =.= Lecture as usual, sway !
His lesson is always after MT, Recess or seperate lesson ! Super sway, Laughs**
Lunch was kinda jiieet pls ! Was talking abt some iissue, jiieet ah ! No comment ~

STAR lesson was kinda fun pls ~ 501 simply rocks to the coreeee ! Laughs*
They rocks my day ! Was suppose to do projects actually, but com was down !
thks to Charmaiineeeee ! She buxiaoxin pluck out smth, then com all shut dwn ~
Laughs* well, she didnt mean it lahh ~ Was discussiing abt th LearingFestivalDay !

Got many events to join ! But me & Charmaiine join none :x Cause toooo jiieeet ah !
But think dat day should be enjoyable bahhs ? Laughs* Hopefully pls ! Jiieet ~
After STAR went to 477 for lunch ! Laughs* Borrowed money from Derek, thks !
Then took bus 28 with Madmad ~ Chattiing all th way, gossiippiing too ! Hah ~~

Reach home andd Mom was at home ! Laughs* went to bath & Mom says this,
"Girl, wan go Giant? We ownself go then hao le Papa come fetch us home, wan ?"
Hah ! Great pls ! Quickly preparedd & Cab to Giant ! Hah, together with Baby too ~
Bought this bought that, bought 2 tees, 1 FBT shorts&clothes ~ Laugh* & Sushi !

Finally finish shoppiing ! Laughs* Total amount iis around $370+, woahhs !
Spend so much iin jus Giant ! Laughs* And now back home ! With Baby (:
Cause Mom they all went for dinner, while both of us eat sushi at home, Hah ~

Now goiing off liiaoos ! Laughs* Nt feeliing very well ~ Headache pls ! Siighs*
Off to watch TV, peii Baby & wash dishes =.= Jiieeett ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

Girl, dont worry ~ Everything will be fine soon ! Althought ii might not be the one to make you smile, But iim sure ii will be ur listening ear, forever (: Cheeer up kays ? I wont leave you de la ! Smile ;D

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hey yo ! Im back postiing alrdy, Hah ~~ Ytd was too tiired to post !
Ytd went to Hwee's bbq ! Great & tiired, lots of feeling, ii swear, Hah ~

Morniing wake up around 8am, super tiired ii swear ! 1pm left to Hwee's house ~
Hah, help him take things & 2ndUncle fetch us to hiis bbq pit, wtf pls ! 2pm =.=
Can you imagine the sun, shining super duper briight ! Hah ~ Rotting at pit 15 :x

Drinking water that become warm =.= Laughs pls ! But no choiice, super thirsty la :x
Hmm, waiting for the others to arriive. Then fiinally they come ! Can bbq alrdy ~~
Ate some crab, super niice pls ! Hah, peii 7thAunt go buy can opener ~ Laughs pls !
Was chattiing on th way, lik nobody business ! Hah, but she's greatgreatgreat pls ~~

Left th bbq around 9pm? Reach home at 10pm ! Hah, super tiired ~ Bath, knock out !
Super tiiredd ii swear ! Then next day morniing went to sch as usual, Laughs* Tired :x
Chemistry lesson was kinda slacking :x Laughs* Cause was not doing work that was given !
Chatting lik nobody business again =.= Laughs* It's alright, teacher doesnt care much !

2 Maths periiod, Vinay nvr come ! Laughs* chattiing all th way again ~ Hah ! Jiiettt ahh :x
Changed for PE, then went down for gatheriing ! Today, heiight & weiight, ohhhmyy ahh ~
I weights 49 & 154 tall =.= Heng ah, healthy weight ! Nearly overweiight, Laughs**
NAFA test again -.- SBJ = 156 ! S&R = 42 ! Nth else ~ Jus retake those ii failed, Hah !

Recess, Longan Ice ! When iim still hafind cough :x Eng lesson was super siian pls !
Dont get wat he's talking, but gonna act as if we are listening & we understand =.=
Nah, jus hack it ! Laughs* Physic lesson was greatgreat ! Pratical, super fun, Hah ~~
Topic is about Light ! Then gonna pin here and thr, Laughs* Seems easy, but not hor :x
Need to repeat th same steps again & again, and not only record, but draw diagram !

Lunch, then back to class for MT ! Listening Comprehension Practice, tmr Olvl alrdy ~
Jiieeet ! Get only 5 out of 10 =.= Sad pls ! LiangLaoShi is kinda worry for us, Laughs*
Lalala, 3pm bell ring ! Suppose to collect shorts, but something was delayed, so tmr !
Walk to Tampines Inter, then meet Baby thr ! His phone cnt msg, haven activate =.=

Walk around, ate Mac then Bus back home ! Jiiieeet pls :x My Ez-Link card no $$ :x
So me & Baby gonna walk home, Sorry baby ~ Super tiiring & Xinku pls, ii swear !
Baby help me carry bag, cause ii feel dat my bag iis heavy. But baby say it's nt heavy !
Nvm, he take :x Laughs* Fiinally back home, iis alrdy around 7pm =.= diinneer time ~

Dinner ate fish slice soup, ate half and gave Bro. Cause ii couldnt finish :x Laughs**
As usual, Baby ate ChickenCutlet Rice! Laughs* Bro ate LorMee & Mom ate noodles ~
H2O for me, Bro & Baby ! Hah, then went to Singtel Shop, bought handphone pouch !
&& also my phone's crystal cover ! Great, my phone look new now ! New pouch too ~

Back home, bath & now postiing blogggggg ! Bored pls, Baby has left to meet Cheehao ~
Laughs* Baby's gonna do hmwk with Cheehao ~ I realise, Baby is part of me now :x
He made me know myself, well. Or rather, let me understand myself more now ~
Really ! Sometime ii wonder, does he understand me more compare to myself ? Hah !

Gonna go off now ! As ii promiise Baby to be iin bed at 10pm, cause iim sick, Right ?
Laughs* Tmr 4Art, jiieeeet pls! Tmr gonna pass up Eng, but tmr do in sch ~ Laughhs**
Done done ! Byeeeeeeeeeee ! PS: Planning something in progress ... Laughs*

Saturday, July 12, 2008

ahhhh ! ii want that bagg laaa ~ Hurhur, guess it's selling at USA only !

Hah, maybe asking cousin help me buy ! Hoho, iim feeling much better

Supposely, ii should slp earlier de ~ But ii didnt :x Hah, slp around 4am !

Lala, morning woke up around 10am, couldnt get to slp after tat, Laughs*

Use computer till around 11, Baby came in and look for me, Hah ! Great :D

1pm plus Mom came back, then Baby went down help us buy food, Laughs*

Thanks Baby ! Hah, ate wanton meee ~ But eat abit only, then nvr eat alrdy ~

Couldnt finish :x Laughs* Then awhile more Baby went to prepare, he going out .

With his Mother&Godmama, couldnt join Baby cause iim sick, sorry uhs !

Lying at Mom's bed, laughs* Fall aslp, her bed is super nice to sleep pls !

Slp till 6pm :x Hah, super shiok ! But feeling much better after slp ~

Dinner, then bath ! Hah, kinda sneezing for free, keep sneeze lahhs ! Laughs*

Then msg Baby, he bought new phoneeeee ! Hah, his Mother bought for him.

Then use com, while waiting for Baby to be back ! I miss Baby a lot pls ~

And now iim hungry alrdy :x Hah ! Gonna eat leftover from jus nw de dinner ~

Btw, tagboard is back ! Hah, pls tag ppl ~ Comment also can, Hah ;DD

Tmr might be going for cousin bbq? Depends uhs ! Hah, see bro sick lohs ~

Laughs* okok, goiing off now ! Baby iis gonna faint, he very hungry :x

Byeeeeeeeee ! Update tmr k, loveeeee baby ! Aiai,Mama,Xingan,Baobei,JFYF,Airen <3>

Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday today ! And iim sick -.- jiieet pls ! No schling for me today ~~
Cause couldnt get up th bed iin the morning ~ Dad was lik, funny !
Ask me whether got sch today, ii say yes, but iim nt going, hah ~
Then he tell Mom, ii today no sch ! Hah ~~ Then Mom also no work ~

Wake up aroundd 11am, super xinku ! Keep sneeze & throat super pain ~
Jiiieeet pls ! Hmmm, then peii Mom to downstair, buy food
Bro MC 2 day ! Hah, Mom took MC to take care of Bro too, all sick siiohhs !
Ate porriiage then watch tv awhile ! Back to room, was using laptop now, jiieet ~

Hah, Baby cameeeeeeee ~ Sry, ii ask him tell them, then ii msg them also :x
Made Baby running around, telling ppl that iim nt in sch, but they alrdy noe ..
Im off to slp now, iim kinda tiired pls ! Maybe due to sickness bahhs? Hah
Byeeeeeeeee ! BabyBabyBaby, iim sorrry ! &&, ii nvr angry lahhs, loveeeee ~

{Edited on 10.20pm}
Back to updateeeeeee ! Hah ~~ Jiiieeetttttttt ! Slp and eat for the whole day pls ~
Hmms, aint getting any better pls ! But at least Baby was with meeee, whole day ~
Hah, ate porriage for the whole day, super siiann pls ! Damn sick & tiired of it :x

Ate rice for dinner, hah ! Then currently waiting for Baby to come back ! Hah ~
Cause he went to meet Auggy & slack ! Then nownownow, he's finally back ~~
And still waiting for Zhong to be abck with my mashed potato. Hah, ii force him :x
Bro also ask him go buy food, laughs* Jus so lucky, he had no choice uhs !

Alright, going off to watch show liiaos ! And photo taking with Baby, hahahah !
Byeeeeeee ! Tmr gonna stay at home, if nt my sick will be worst worst worst lah !

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some over-due photos during dat day outing, sentosa trip ! Hah ~ Chills !
Gonna post more when ii got it from Bal uhs ! Hah, ii love 501 pls ~~

Today was ohh-soo jiieet pls ! MdmNisha nag lik free pls, come back jiu scold !
Damn stupid ~ Scold nonsense :x Hah, kena nag by MdmNatasha also , one period gone ~
Laughs* Think we gonna work really really hard, to achieve wat we wan, hah !
Im on Poly's websites every now & then ! Hah, deciding which to choose :x
But mus see whether iim interested or nt lahh ~ Laughs* Maybe Psychology Studies !

Assembly was band performance ! Hah, kinda nice music, and iim falling aslp ~
The music is lik smooth & pleasant ah ~ So, falling aslp is nth bah :x Hah !
Disturbing Gekming with some kinda noise, which made her hair stand, Laughs!
Geo was super super super siiann, ii swear ! Everyone is lik, almost slping ~
Some were even in their lalaland alrdy, Hah ~ Yeayea, it's my Ahbeeeeee, slping !

After sch, went to bubbletea shop & was kinda insane with all my cliques !
Being crazy, laugh with them ! It's really great, they make my day too :DD
Hah, 2pm went for Chemistry extra lesson ! Bored, cause iim kinda alone :x
Lol ~ Then back to bubbletea shop, slacking with Mama they all, Laughs*

Nt gonna mention much abt wat happen later on, Laughs* Now it's fine alrdy !
Hope tmr they wont anyhow bahs ? Lol ! I understand how he feel, really :x
Nvm, anything tmr then see how lohhr ~ Hah, ate dinner with Baby, Lovelove ~
Long time nvr eat dinner with Baby lehhr ! But nvm, still haf more chance :D

Alriight, iim done with posting ! Hah, Bro is sick, wtf =.= Super jiiet pls !
Haf to change to clothes, when iim wearing pyjamas alrdy, peii him go see doc.
Then pay for him, fcuk pls :x Unable to peii Baby slp le lahh, siighhs**
Now going off le, byeeeeeeee ! I miss Baby, althought he's beside me, Hah !

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Some zi-lian photos of mine agains ~ Cause no other better photo :x
Today, wednesday ! Nth much to post ~ Writing compo in class xP
Not for Eng lesson, but for the sake of telling someone, something ~
Guess it's over alrdy bahhs ? Hope nth will happen again, hope ahh !

MT lesson was kinda alriight ! Going through Olvl answer, jiieet ~~
Didnt bring my qns paper, gonna bring Friday ! Then can check :D
Hmms, then Maths was kinda bored bored bored ! Vinay super funny ~
Good to disturb & fun to play ! Hah, anywae class chalet iis on th way !
Class tees iis also designing bahhs ? Laughs** 501 makes my day :D

After sch went for PizzaHut with Aiai ! Laughs* Kinda romantic uhs !
Cause we are sit on a table that is for 2 person only. Look kinda weird :x
Ate CheesyShrooms, GarlicBread, Cream of Chicken ! Damn fun, ii swear ~
Hah ! Walk around TM & CS ~ Aiai bought quiite many things uhs, Hah !

Bus home, was resting ~ Super tiiredd pls, muscle iis lik paiinpaiinpaiin !
Bro suggested to go Inter, cause he wanna change phone ! N81,8Gb ~~
Laughs* Went to bath, then peii him go meet Mom ! Nth much then ~
Jus that keep kena scold, cause ii keep msg ! Lols, will control de lahh ~

Took bus to 477 for dinner after dat ~ Meet Dad&Zhong thr, Laughs*
Oh btw, Bro bought me a $38 original Earpiece for my phone, hah !
Great pls ~~ Ordered food, ii order sehhs :x Laughs* ii pay too xP
Total $24.90 only, for 5 person ! Kinda cheap ii think? Worth la ~

Now back home, earlier then Dad ! Cause he meeting his friend for chill ~
Then liiddat lohhs ! Sorry Baby, didnt get to peii you today, Duibuqi :*((
Tmr gonna haf Chemistry extra lesson, jiieeet pls ! Im selected =.=
Cause my sci simply sucks kay ! But iim gonna buck up, ii swear lahh ~

Btw, ii think iim gonna join some Poly course tht has got to do with mind :x
I mean lik, how a person thinks ? Why some ppl will lik this, lik that ~~
Hah ! It's lik, interesting yea ? I think it will be fun & great to learn ! Hah ~

Alriight, iim done with today Post ! Goiing off now, byeeeeeee ! Love Baby :D

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

halo halo ! Laughs* iim finally back posting ! Hah :DD
Sorry for nt posing ytd, cause ii jus knock out when iim home !
Alriight ~ Gonna post kinda short one ii think, tiiredd ah ~~
Ytd went to sentosa, ohhmyy ~ Really great outiing, ii swear !

Meet 8.30am at S11, Laughs* ate pancake, then wait th rest to come ~
around 9.30am, everyone was here ~ then MRT to harbourfront .
Hoho, we are earlier then th malays ! Cause we meet earliier :x
Reach thr, was lik many ppl ! Maybe due to Holiday bahs, Laughs ~

Started to play in th water, super cold at 1st ~ But after awhile jiu hao le
Laughs* Anywae, Berlinda&Pohling didnt play :( But they are camera girls
Took many funny photos ! will upload when ii get it from lincoln, hah :D

Was playiing kissing game -.- Laughs* so total ii kiss Baby, JFYF & Bal ~~
Laughs* Super fun, but it's super tiiriing too ! 3pm, went to bath, hah ~
Was shariing the same cubicle as angela ~ Laughs* We, super nasty !
Blabla ~ Then eat lunch :x Which is lik, kinda expensive pls, but nvm lah ~
Cause hungry, so dont care cheap or ex le :x Jus eat & drink only xP !
Back & meet up with those malays, took group photos ! Upload when taken ~

Laughs* hmmms, around 5pm left sentosa & back to vivocity ~ Tired pls !
Everyone is kind dead beat ! & everyone seems restless, cause super tired :x
Went to Bedok 85 with Baby, JFYF & Aaron ! Ate 5 chickenwing each =/
Me&JFYF eat the wings, while the guys eat all th drums :x Hahahaha :DD

Bus home, super tiired ii swear pls ! Reach home around 10pm, tiiredd ~
Pack bag & went straight to slp ~ Super tiired, nvr even iiron clothes for sch !
Morning wake up at 6.35am. holy shit lahh ! Clothes nt hang, jiieet pls ~~
Bath & quickly do everything ! Hah, didn haf th time to dry my hair !
So ii walk to sch looking lik a crazy girl ~ Laughs* But still alright lahhs :x

Sch was blablabla ! Nth much, after sch Aiai came my house, hahahaha pls !
Was singing song, lik long time nvr alrdy uhs ! Hah, so sing lik crazy girls ~
Then around 5 plus, Baby came ~ Hah, was singing til laround 7pm ii think?
Aiai went home, then left Baby & meee ~~ Hah, Baby help me buy things !<
Er, ii mean he went down to tmart & buy food for me, Sweet right, huh Baby ~

Hah ! Gonna go slp soon lahh, super tiired ii swear ~ Tmr gonna bring themormeter !
Hope ii didnt spell wrong uhs ? Hah, Baby's slpiing right now ! Gonna wake him up :x
Cause he gotta go home ah ~ Laughs* Maybe nt posting dat often le, jiieet right !
My computer & Dad's laptop both kena virus -.- Sad pls ! Tmr bring go repair ~~
Bye my com ! Jiieet pls ~ Com simply jus knock out, screen cnt be open :*(((

Hao le, Done with today's post ! Only one photo uploaded :DD Byeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Sunday, July 06, 2008

More photo will be uploaded soon ! Laughs** These for th time being !
Hmms, ytd wait till 3 going to 4am ~ Baby's nt bad yet :( fall aslp ~~
Super tiiredd pls, ii swear uhs ! 8.30am, Baby finally come back, laughs*

Cnt get back to slp le :x Laughs* then as usual, chat chat chat, hah !
He seems to be enjoyiing alot duriing the bbq ytd, great uhs, laughs*
Alright ! Then peii him eat Burger, back sleeping agains, tiired pls ~
My turn to be hungry ! Went down and buy, together with Zhong ~

Back, then Mom&Dad come home bath, then went out agains, jiieet lahh !
But also nvm, casue they at home will nagnagnag :x Laughs* Blabla ~
Anyway, ate century egg porriiage ! Nicenice ~ Super full, ii swear lahs !
Trying to get some slp, cause iim really tiiredd ! But ii jus cnt get to slp :x

Around 4pm, JFYF came ! Laughs* She's gonna stay at my house tonight!
Cause tmr gonna meet th Sec5s at Tampines, 9am pls ! Early uhs ? Hah ~
Anyway, jus gonan enjoy for th very last day, tmr ! Sentosa trip, lovedd ~
Planniing from Nabeel & Co. ! All Sec5, meaning 501&502, go out play tmr !

Alright ! Done with today's post, laughs* iim hungry now, agaiin, Hah :D
They are all playiing mahjong now ! Talking to them is lik, talking to wall -.-
Watever ~~ Byeeeeeee ! Im going downstairs, but some snacks for myself !

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Posting pictures for th time being only ! Going out soon ~ Byeeeeeee :D
Will be postiing later on, byeeee ~ Ytd discover smth, wtf pls -.-
Btw, iim back wiith Baby agaiins ♥ Happy Birthday Baby ! Loves ~

(updatedd on 3am, 6thJuly}
Ohhhhh ! Baby's birthday iis over alrdy ~~ jiieett pls ! hope he enjoys bahs ?
Friiday iis sports day, really a super great & good one ! everyday sports day jiu hao ~
Laughs* whiich iis lik iimposiible uhs ? Hmms, enjoy Sports Day super much !
Almost for the few hours, laughing & laughing lik nvr before, ii swear pls ~~

Took an bigbig family photo of XinganFamily ! Sad, auggy&aaron iis nt in :(
Next time alright ? Gonna take more then expected when thr's outiing ~~
After Sports day, all go seperates way, Laughs* Mad&Pink, went for Oral ~~
Then left JFYF & Me, peii Baby home, then he bath, then we go eat, finally !
Laughs* kinda hungry, cause was laughing & running around, tiiredd plus :x

Rush back to sch for Physic extra lesson, ohhhmyy ! Less then 10 at 1st, jiieet ~
Slowly, all late comers come and was abt half of th class bahhs? Much better !
Did paper, without notes, fcuk ! Suppose to bring, nvr bring lahs, damn it ~~
Then Mad they all end Oral, come awhile then leave liiaoos, jiieet pls, sighs*

was sitting together wiith Razmeer ~ Laughs* he lik, how the hell ii knw hw to do !?
Shared answer wiith him, discuss answer too ! Heng, he haf his textbook with him ~
Laughs* Then went to toilet, came out say YangYang, peii hiim go drink water ~
Then back to AVT together, laughs* Laughiing all th way, all thks to him -.- Hah !

4.40pm, release & took bus home, as soon as possible lahh, cause goiing out mahhs ~
Preparedd, went to madmad house meet her 1st ~ Cabb to JFYF hse, then EastCoast !
Kinda stranger look everyone has :x Cause most of them are Malinda's Friends ~~
Nvm, went thr, say hi & started to walk around ~ Laughs* Photo taken, upload soon !
Ate a few hotdogs, prawn & one chickenwing ! Laughs* Then started chattiing rubbiish ~

Diiscover smth, dont trust anyone too deeply. He/She might be wearing a mask ?
Laughs* Watever ! Till 11pm, JFYF's sis fetch us home, laughs* haf a sis kinda gd !
Reach home, kinda knock out ! The rest were all soundly asleep, sad pls ! Baby also ~
Hmmm, then 2am, Baby came iin my room & wake me up, laughs* wiin le lorr ~
Dont need slp le :x Laughs* Morning wake up around 9am, Cause of Baby also lahh !

Cook Soup & Some egg with crabmeat for Baby & Zhong for lunch ~ Super full :x
Preparedd and went out to meet JFYF at Tampines MRT statiion ~ Laughs**
Talking abt same topiic again, but iit's really kinda piissed off yea? Sighs pls ~~
Went to Topman & bought a gift card for GuanLeong ~ Then to bugiis street !
Bought Baby's present, a sch bag which he's wishing for? Laughs* ohhmyyy,
ii saw piiano bag at bugiis ! $42 pls, siighhs* ii dont care, iim gonna buy, swear pls !

Nowhr to go, back to Tampiines, then bought smth, then back to my house, laughs*
JFYF came my house too ~ Was watching some old show, still laughing, nt bad uhs :x
Hah ! Then Mom ordered PizzaHut for us, thks Mom ! KFC, service really sucks man ~

Gave us all wrong food, and it took super long to serve us, wtf :x Give us ppl food also !
Somemore iis those kind lik, gif ppl wrong, then giive us, Mac iis a better choiice pls ~
Laughs* Editiing photos, while JFYF took nap at my Bro room ! Sleeping soundly uhs ~
Around 2am then she went home ! Laughs* Her sis come fetch her home, so good !
&& whywhywhy ! Baby iis nt back home yet ~ I dont care :x Gonna wait till he's back !

Goiing off to do other things now, byeeeeeeeee ! I love Baby, super super super much ♥♥